Recently finished reading The Talmadge Girls by Anita
Loos. This book is an anecdotal biography of film stars Norma Talmadge
and Constance Talmadge (and to a lesser extent Natalie Talmadge, the
sister who married Buster Keaton). It is a very good read. I liked Loos'
writing so much (her own life story is intertwined with that of the
Talmadge sisters) that I followed it up with a dip into the recently
published Anita Loos Rediscovered. Some day I will have to read more about Loos' life and career. She is a really interesting figure.
A cinephilac blog about an actress, silent film, and the Jazz Age, with occasional posts
about related books, music, art, and history written by Thomas Gladysz. Visit the
Louise Brooks Society™ at
Monday, December 29, 2003
Anita Loos and the Talmadge Girls

Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Two films
I recently rented two films which I watched for the first time ever. They were Cabaret (1972) and Mephisto (1981). Each depicts Germany in the 1920's and 1930's. I liked Cabaret a good deal, but found Mephisto interesting but a little slow.

Sunday, December 21, 2003
Stanford University
This month, I made four trips to the library at Stanford University. I have been wanting to visit this large academic library - located about an hour south - for some time.
I browsed "the stacks" - examining the large collection of books on
film and film history. I found a number of interesting German and French
titles which included fresh bits of information on Brooks and her three
European films. I also found some interesting books on the
German writer Frank Wedekind, author of the Lulu plays.
No trip to a library would be complete without a search through
periodicals! I looked through bound issues of old Italian and German
film magazines, as well as some French and English newspapers on
microfilm. I also looked through issues of the Stanford University
student newspaper dating from the 1920's. All of these sources yielded a
smattering of articles, reviews and advertisements.

Friday, December 12, 2003
Neve Campbell plans to portray Louise Brooks
This news item has been making the rounds . . . .
"Neve Campbell plans to portray Louise Brooks, the bob-haired beauty
who emerged from George White's Scandals and the Ziegfeld Follies and
escaped flapper roles in Hollywood to achieve acclaim in Germany in G.
W. Pabst films like Pandora's Box and Diary of a Lost Girl (both 1929) before becoming a recluse. Ms. Campbell has bought Lulu,
a biographical screenplay by Peter Nickowitz and Bill Oliver, titled
after the nymphomaniac portrayed by Brooks (1906-1985) in Pandora's Box. Ms. Campbell is looking for a director and for financing, according to a Reuters - Hollywood Reporter report."

Sunday, December 7, 2003
Barry Paris on WQED
I just clicked on the WQED link on the Barry Paris page of Louise Brooks Studies
and noticed that the station is once again being broadcast over the
internet. Barry Paris has a show on this radio station on Sunday
afternoons. Check it out.

Saturday, November 29, 2003
Diana Serra Cary ("Baby Peggy")
Two books I recently finished reading - and really enjoyed a whole lot - are Jackie Coogan: The World's Boy King by Diana Serra Cary, and What Ever Happened to Baby Peggy?,
also by by Diana Serra Cary. After having read the Coogan book - I
wanted more, and so immediately turned to the author's equally
compelling autobiography. Each were very charming, anecdotal-filled
stories of success and hardship. In the 1920's, Diana was an actress
known as "Baby Peggy." And next to Jackie Coogan (whom she knew back
then!), Diana was one of the most famous child movie stars in the whole
world. In both books, she offers an insider's perspective on fame and
I really admire the author, who is now in her eighties. I have had
the pleasure of meeting her on a few occasions. She has written four
books to date, and I would recommend them to anyone.

Friday, November 21, 2003
Paul Robeson
Recently viewed Paul Robeson: Here I Stand,
an excellent 1999 documentary which originally aired as part of the
American Master's series on PBS. I thought this film was one of the
better documentaries I have seen, and very interesting as well.
A footnote: according to Martin Duberman's biography of the singer
and actor, Robeson once met Louise Brooks. Sometime around April 21,
1925, Robeson met Brooks at a party at the apartment of writer /
photographer Carl Van Vechten, according to Essie Robeson's diary. Essie
Robeson wrote of Brooks, she "was very late and I couldn't wait for
her, but . . . Paul said she was very conceited and impossible."

Thursday, November 20, 2003
Italian website devoted to Brooks
There are a number of web pages and websites devoted to Louise Brooks. One of the best is this multi-page site from Italy, which
contains biographical information, articles, interviews, obituaries,
pictures and much more. If you haven't already checked it out, please do

Friday, November 14, 2003
Happy Birthday, Louise Brooks!
Mary Louise Brooks was born on this day in Cherryvale, Kansas in 1906. The Cherryvale Daily News ran a small item on the front page of newspaper.

Thursday, November 13, 2003
Neve Campbell w roli Lulu
[ An article in Polish about Neve Campbell's desire to play Louise Brooks. ]
Neve Campbell w roli Lulu
Neve Campbell ("Krzyk", "Krzyk 2", "Krzyk 3") przygotowuje się do roli w filmie opowiadającym o życiu Louise Brooks, legendarnej gwiazdy kina niemego. Obraz pod tytułem "Lulu" przedstawi okres sławy aktorki, a potem zaskakujące porzucenie przez nią kariery ekranowej. Campbell sama nabyła prawa do scenariusza projektu, a obecnie poszukuje producentów i reżysera.

Louise Brooks urodziła się w 1906 roku w stanie Kansas. Karierę rozpoczynała jako tancerka rewiowa, pojawiała się także na Broadway'u.
Na ekranie zadebiutowała w 1925 roku. Po występie w kilkunastu filmach hollywoodzkich ( "Amerykańskiej Wenus" i "Dziewczynie w każdym porcie") przeniosła się do Europy, gdzie dwoma dziełami (i niezwykle charakterystyczną fryzurą) zapewniła sobie ważne miejsce w historii kina.
Tytułami tymi były zrealizowane w 1929 roku "Puszka Pandory" i "Dusze bez steru" niemieckiego reżysera Georga Wilhelma Pabsta. Louise Brooks stała się jednym z klasyczych wampów ekranowych.
Po powrocie do USA niepokorna i niezależna aktorka zagrała w jeszcze kilku obrazach i... w 1938 roku definitywnie rozstała z kinem. Zarabiała na życie jako tancerka, poświęcała się malarstwu i lekturze, a z czasem została cenioną pisarką. Wśród jej licznych książek znalazła się również autobiografia.
Louise Brooks zmarła na zawał serca w Nowym Jorku w 1985 roku.
Neve Campbell chciała przenieść historię gwiazdy na ekran już od wielu lat. Teraz, gdy kupiła scenariusz "Lulu", który napisali Peter Nickowitz i Bill Oliver, znalazla się bardzo blisko realizacji tego celu.
Kanadyjska aktorka wystąpiła niedawno w opartym na własnym pomyśle filmie "The Company" Roberta Altmana (była także producentką tego projektu) i komedii "Churchill: The Hollywood Years" z Christianem Slaterem.
Wśród kolejnych planów Campbell są thriller "Blind Horizon" z Valem Kilmerem oraz dramat "When Will I Be Loved" Jamesa Tobacka.
Neve Campbell w roli Lulu
Neve Campbell ("Krzyk", "Krzyk 2", "Krzyk 3") przygotowuje się do roli w filmie opowiadającym o życiu Louise Brooks, legendarnej gwiazdy kina niemego. Obraz pod tytułem "Lulu" przedstawi okres sławy aktorki, a potem zaskakujące porzucenie przez nią kariery ekranowej. Campbell sama nabyła prawa do scenariusza projektu, a obecnie poszukuje producentów i reżysera.
Louise Brooks urodziła się w 1906 roku w stanie Kansas. Karierę rozpoczynała jako tancerka rewiowa, pojawiała się także na Broadway'u.
Na ekranie zadebiutowała w 1925 roku. Po występie w kilkunastu filmach hollywoodzkich ( "Amerykańskiej Wenus" i "Dziewczynie w każdym porcie") przeniosła się do Europy, gdzie dwoma dziełami (i niezwykle charakterystyczną fryzurą) zapewniła sobie ważne miejsce w historii kina.
Tytułami tymi były zrealizowane w 1929 roku "Puszka Pandory" i "Dusze bez steru" niemieckiego reżysera Georga Wilhelma Pabsta. Louise Brooks stała się jednym z klasyczych wampów ekranowych.
Po powrocie do USA niepokorna i niezależna aktorka zagrała w jeszcze kilku obrazach i... w 1938 roku definitywnie rozstała z kinem. Zarabiała na życie jako tancerka, poświęcała się malarstwu i lekturze, a z czasem została cenioną pisarką. Wśród jej licznych książek znalazła się również autobiografia.
Louise Brooks zmarła na zawał serca w Nowym Jorku w 1985 roku.
Neve Campbell chciała przenieść historię gwiazdy na ekran już od wielu lat. Teraz, gdy kupiła scenariusz "Lulu", który napisali Peter Nickowitz i Bill Oliver, znalazla się bardzo blisko realizacji tego celu.
Kanadyjska aktorka wystąpiła niedawno w opartym na własnym pomyśle filmie "The Company" Roberta Altmana (była także producentką tego projektu) i komedii "Churchill: The Hollywood Years" z Christianem Slaterem.
Wśród kolejnych planów Campbell są thriller "Blind Horizon" z Valem Kilmerem oraz dramat "When Will I Be Loved" Jamesa Tobacka.

Monday, November 10, 2003
Empty Saddles / Overland Stage Raiders
The other day, I got a flier in the male from Grapevine Video. Among
their new offerings is a "Louise Brooks Double Feature" dvd-r featuring Empty Saddles and Overland Stage Raiders. The item number is #LBDFDVD abnd it retails for $14.95.
As was announced earlier, Grapevine is going out of business. So, if you are interested in this release or any of their earlier dvd-r or vhs items, the time to order is now. More info at
As was announced earlier, Grapevine is going out of business. So, if you are interested in this release or any of their earlier dvd-r or vhs items, the time to order is now. More info at

Sunday, November 9, 2003
Nude on eBay
There is an image for sale on eBay which is described as "NUDE LOUISE BROOKS AS ZIEGFELD GIRL, photo."
To my eyes, this is not actually Brooks, but just someone who merely resembles her. (The face doesn't quite resemble the actress, and her partially exposed breast seems too big. Brooks had small breasts, like "little pears.") Many Ziegfeld Follies girls wore bobs, and many posed for this sort of cheesecake photo.
What do you think ? There are a couple of copies of this image for sale, both from the same seller. Here is a link for those interested.
To my eyes, this is not actually Brooks, but just someone who merely resembles her. (The face doesn't quite resemble the actress, and her partially exposed breast seems too big. Brooks had small breasts, like "little pears.") Many Ziegfeld Follies girls wore bobs, and many posed for this sort of cheesecake photo.
What do you think ? There are a couple of copies of this image for sale, both from the same seller. Here is a link for those interested.

Saturday, November 1, 2003
Recent research
I managed to borrow a few years of the Musical Courier, a
performing arts trade journal. That publication yielded some articles,
reviews and advertisements for Brooks' appearances with the Denishawn
dance company. I also found some brief reviews of Brooks' films when
they showed in NYC.
Some of the newspapers I have been looking at of late include the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, St. Louis Times, Milwaukee Leader, and Louisville Courier-Journal.

Friday, October 3, 2003
Greta Garbo biography by Barry Paris
Finished reading Barry Paris' excellent biography of the Swedish-born
actress Greta Garbo. In many ways, she is as elusive a personality as
Louise Brooks. But, her mystery - her appeal - comes from somewhere
else. After having read Barry Paris' biographies of both film stars,
I am certain there was more going on in Brooks' head (as well as deeper
motivations) than in Garbo's.
Reading Garbo got me onto a Garbo jag. I am wanting
to read more. Scouring the bibliography in the back of Paris' book led
me to track down and purchase over the internet two early books on the
actress, The Private Life of Greta Garbo by Rilla Page Palmborg (published in softcover in London in 1931), and Greta Garbo: The Story of a Specialist by E. E. Laing (published in London in hardcover in 1946). I am looking forward to receiving each of these books.
p.s. When I saw Barry Paris a few years ago, he gave me a special Garbo
bookmark which was made by a friend of his. I keep it in my copy of his
book. It measures approximately 2.5 inches wide by 8 inches tall, and
is reproduced below.

Tuesday, September 2, 2003
LBS Research update
My quest to uncover more articles and reviews related to Louise
Brooks' career as a dancer and film actress continues. Some of the
publications I have been looking at lately (on microfilm via
inter-library loan) are the Kansas City Star, Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Pittsburgh Dispatch, Houston Chronicle, Salt Lake Telegram, Syracuse Post-Standard, Miami Herald, Minneapolis Star and Indianapolis Star. I was able to find some material in each of these papers. The Pittsburgh Dispatch,
it might be noted, is now defunct. It ceased publishing not too long
after Louise Brooks and the Denishawn dance company passed through town.
Other newspapers I have looked at in my research have also closed, have
changed names, or have merged with another publication.
My goal is to survey the leading newspapers in the 20 largest cities in America in the 1920's.
I have also looked at - or plan to look at - newspapers from each
region of the United States. All together, the accumulated results
should offer a representitive critical perspective on Brooks and her

Thursday, August 28, 2003
Ramon Novarro bio
I just finished reading an excellent film biography, Beyond Paradise: The Life of Ramon Novarro,
by Andre Soares. It is one of the most sympathetic biographies I have
read in a long time. I really liked this book. It is well written and well researched. And is highly recommended. (And if you haven't seen the original Ben-Hur, go out and rent it today. It is excellent. I have seen it at least a half-dozen times.)
Here is a description of the book from its
publisher. "Ramon Novarro was for years one of the top lead actors in
Hollywood - the first Latin-American performer to become a Hollywood
superstar. Born Ramón Samaniego to a prominent Mexican family, Novarro
arrived in Hollywood in 1916 as a refugee from the civil wars that
rocked Mexico in the early 20th century. By the mid-1920s, he had become
one of MGM's most important leading men, going on to star in a series
of now classic films including The Student Prince, Mata Hari, and the original version of Ben-Hur.
He shared the screen with the era's most important leading ladies such
as Greta Garbo, Myrna Loy, Joan Crawford, and Norma Shearer and become
Rudolph Valentino's main rival in the "Latin Lover" category. But
despite his considerable professional accomplishments, Novarro's most
enduring claim to fame is his tragic death - his bloodied corpse was
found in his house on Halloween 1968 in what has become one of the most
infamous scandals in the vast lore of Hollywood.
Novarro was a life-long bachelor who had carefully cultivated his image as a man deeply devoted to his family and to his religious convictions. His murder shattered that image as it was revealed to the general public that the dashing screen hero had been not only homosexual, but had been killed by two young male hustlers. Since then, his death has achieved near mythic proportions. Increasingly outlandish stories have become accepted as truth, obscuring Novarro's notable professional legacy.
Beyond Paradise presents for the first time a full picture of the man who made motion picture history - from his amazing rise to stardom to the destructive conflicts faced by this traditional Catholic Mexican man who was also a gay film star. Compellingly told and impressively researched - including original interviews with Novarro's surviving friends, family, co-workers and the two men convicted of his murder - Beyond Paradise provides a unique insight into the groundbreaking life and career of one of the most important early Hollywood stars - a man whose myth continues to fascinate today."
Novarro was a life-long bachelor who had carefully cultivated his image as a man deeply devoted to his family and to his religious convictions. His murder shattered that image as it was revealed to the general public that the dashing screen hero had been not only homosexual, but had been killed by two young male hustlers. Since then, his death has achieved near mythic proportions. Increasingly outlandish stories have become accepted as truth, obscuring Novarro's notable professional legacy.
Beyond Paradise presents for the first time a full picture of the man who made motion picture history - from his amazing rise to stardom to the destructive conflicts faced by this traditional Catholic Mexican man who was also a gay film star. Compellingly told and impressively researched - including original interviews with Novarro's surviving friends, family, co-workers and the two men convicted of his murder - Beyond Paradise provides a unique insight into the groundbreaking life and career of one of the most important early Hollywood stars - a man whose myth continues to fascinate today."

Sunday, June 15, 2003
Newspaper research
Some of the newspapers which I have looked at lately include the Austin American-Statesman, New Orleans Times-Picayune, Topeka State Journal, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (the future home of Louise Brooks biographer Barry Paris), Boston Evening American, Memphis Commericial Appeal and Dallas Morning Herald. Research, research, research. I love it.

Tuesday, May 6, 2003
Rudolph Valentino biography
Currently reading the new Valentino biography, Dark Lover: The Life and Death of Rudolph Valentino,
by Emily W. Leider. I am about 125 pages into the book, and am enjoying
it a great deal. I would recommend it highly to anyone interested in
the life and times of the actor, or anyone interested in silent film. I
will post further thoughts on the book once I am done reading it.
For those interested in checking out the book (and the author), Emily Leider will be giving a talk in San Francisco. Here are the details.
reading & booksigning for "Dark Lover: The Life and Death of Rudolph Valentino"
May 7th, 7 pm
at The Booksmith (1644 Haight Street, San Francisco)
This event is free and open to the public. For further information, call 415-863-8688 or visit
For those interested in checking out the book (and the author), Emily Leider will be giving a talk in San Francisco. Here are the details.
reading & booksigning for "Dark Lover: The Life and Death of Rudolph Valentino"
May 7th, 7 pm
at The Booksmith (1644 Haight Street, San Francisco)
This event is free and open to the public. For further information, call 415-863-8688 or visit

Sunday, April 27, 2003
Site Updates
Added a few more images to the Vintage Magazine Covers
page, including a 1926 Danish magazine with Louise Brooks on the
cover. Also, scanned my recent eBay purchase of a 1928 issue of Film Weekly with Brooks on the cover. That image was also added to the aforementioned page. Recently, I added a page of vintage Related Magazine Covers, though there are only three examples. Hopefully, I will find others.

Thursday, April 24, 2003
S.S. Van Dine
Recently finished reading Alias S.S. Van Dine, a biography by John Loughery of the man who wrote The Canary Murder Case.
I enjoyed the book a good deal, and would recommend it to those
interested in 20th century American cultural history. Willard Huntington
Wright (aka S. S. Van Dine) was an interesting, though perhaps
disagreeable, person who knew many leading figures of the time. (Louise
Brooks is mentioned in passing in this book; she had the left the set of
the Canary Murder Case by the time Van Dine arrived to
lend his then considerable fame to the film.) Having finished the
biography, I then decided to read the celebrated mystery novel which
served as the basis for the 1929 film. As of today, I am nearly through
with the book. Just about 50 pages to go. I will finish it, though I
find the book somewhat tedious.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003
New material
Yesterday, I received photocopies of some six dozen vintage clippings
from various Philadelphia newspapers. The clippings are part of the
Philadelphia newspaper morgue housed at Temple University. (I came
across a reference to this material while searching for newspaper
archives on the internet.) Though the clippings I received were mostly
small, wire service articles from the 1930's, they are of some interest.
Citations for this material have been added to the appropriate
Through interlibrary loans over the last few months, I have been slowly working my way through the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Syracuse Post-Standard, Chicago Daily News, and Newark Star Eagle - and have recently started looking through the Houston Chronicle, Omaha World Herald, Seattle Times and Birmingham News. Last week, I also spent a day at home looking through some of the websites which reproduce old newspapers. There, I found scattered articles and reviews from a number of small town newspapers such as the Reno Gazette from Nevada, Denton Journal from Maryland, and Daily Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. One goal behind this research is to accumulate a representitive selection of reviews from across the United States.
One of the websites I looked through had some Canadian and Mexican newspapers. While I didn't find any articles about Brooks or her films in these North American newspapers, I did manage to find advertisements for the actress' films. The best material were some half-dozen advertisements for films featuring Luisa Brooks in Il Informador from Guadalajara, Mexico.
Through interlibrary loans over the last few months, I have been slowly working my way through the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Syracuse Post-Standard, Chicago Daily News, and Newark Star Eagle - and have recently started looking through the Houston Chronicle, Omaha World Herald, Seattle Times and Birmingham News. Last week, I also spent a day at home looking through some of the websites which reproduce old newspapers. There, I found scattered articles and reviews from a number of small town newspapers such as the Reno Gazette from Nevada, Denton Journal from Maryland, and Daily Northwestern from Oshkosh, Wisconsin. One goal behind this research is to accumulate a representitive selection of reviews from across the United States.
One of the websites I looked through had some Canadian and Mexican newspapers. While I didn't find any articles about Brooks or her films in these North American newspapers, I did manage to find advertisements for the actress' films. The best material were some half-dozen advertisements for films featuring Luisa Brooks in Il Informador from Guadalajara, Mexico.

Saturday, April 12, 2003
Sacramento trip
At the California State Library in Sacremento, I looked through the Pasadena Star-News, La Opinion
and some Los Angeles newspapers for the period of the mid-to-late
1920's. I found a bunch of film reviews, advertisements and articles in
the Pasadena newspaper, but little in La Opinion. (This
Spanish-language paper, based in Los Angeles, ran frequent articles on
Hispanic film stars such as Dolores del Rio, Raquel Torres, Ramon
Navarro, etc . . . , but nothing that I could find on Louise Brooks.) I
also took the time to search through four Los Angeles newspapers for
material on Just Another Blonde, Evening Clothes and The City Gone Wild.
My efforts in this regard were successful, and I found reviews,
articles, ads and more. Citations for all of the material that I have
found have been aded to the bibliographies.

Tuesday, March 25, 2003
Clara Bow
Finished reading Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild by David
Stenn. A good biography, sympathetically told. I would love to see a
picture book devoted to her. Clara Bow was so lovely, and such a gifted,
natural actress. She is one of my favorite silent film stars.

Thursday, March 20, 2003
Trip to Sacramento
Depending on (the war and) how things go, I plan to travel to the
California State Library in Sacramento next week. (I live in San
Francisco, and Sacramento is about 100 miles away. It's a two hour
drive.) This will be my fifth trip to the State Library, which is a
major repository of California newspapers on microfilm. To date, I have
been able to survey newspapers from most all of the major metropolitan
areas in California. (See the various bibliographies for the citations and material that has been collected so far.) On this trip, I hope to dig through the Pasadena Star-News and La Opinion
(a Spanish-language newspaper based in Los Angeles) for the period of
the mid-to-late 1920's. I will be looking for film reviews and other
articles. If there is enough time, I may also look at the papers for
Long Beach and Santa Monica.

Sunday, March 16, 2003
Site redesign
A comprehensive redesign and site rebuild is underway. (This page is an
example of the new look which most every page on the LBS will eventually
assume.) The implementation of the rebuild will take some time, as the
size of the Louise Brooks Society now stands at more than 200 pages. The
intention of this redesign is to give the LBS a more up-to-date look.
Also, some outside links - notably the old translation module at the
bottom of every page, were no longer functioning. A comprehensive site
rebuild will fix broken links, conform site code to current html
standards, and give the overall site a cleaner, more contemporary feel.

Wednesday, March 5, 2003
Site update
Just updated is Kansas: For Further Reading, a page on the News of Lulu website.

Friday, February 28, 2003
At the bottom of the LBS home page is a newly installed PayPal donation
button. I am hoping individuals who enjoy this free site will make a
small donation to help keep things going. (One person already has!)
Monthly dial-up charges, server costs, the recently launched RadioLulu
(I pay a royalty fee), and subscriptions (like those to database sites)
are just some of the expenses that go into keeping the LBS on the web
and groing. A donation (in any amount) will help defray the cost of
photocopies, postage and research expenses. Contributions will also be
used to ensure new material is added on an ongoing basis, and that the
LBS continues as the largest and most comprehensive web site in the
world devoted to any silent film star. The Louise Brooks Society is a
money losing labor of love, and a not-for-profit web site devoted to the
promotion and study of the life and films of Louise Brooks. Your
interest and assistance is appreciated.

Monday, February 24, 2003
News of Lulu updates
Yesterday, a "News of Lulu" email was sent to members of the LBS. This
email newsletter is hosted by Yahoo: Groups on a web site called News of
Lulu. That adjunct site can be found at
News of Lulu contains a lots of interesting material, including colorized portraits, fan art, text files, a calendar of events, links and more. Recently updated is a nifty set of links called "Around the World with Louise Brooks." Also new, located under Files, is a set of folders to which LBS members may contribute original work including poems & song lyrics, essays & school papers, and short stories (including "fan fic") about Louise Brooks. If you have something to contribute along these lines,
please post your work to the appropriate folder. Pieces can be uploaded as Word documents, plain text files or html.
News of Lulu contains a lots of interesting material, including colorized portraits, fan art, text files, a calendar of events, links and more. Recently updated is a nifty set of links called "Around the World with Louise Brooks." Also new, located under Files, is a set of folders to which LBS members may contribute original work including poems & song lyrics, essays & school papers, and short stories (including "fan fic") about Louise Brooks. If you have something to contribute along these lines,
please post your work to the appropriate folder. Pieces can be uploaded as Word documents, plain text files or html.

Sunday, February 23, 2003
On-line petition
Thank you to Amanda for alerting everyone to the on-line petition
regarding silent films on DVD. The petition hopes to encourage Fox,
Paramount, Warner Brothers, and other major studios to release their
silent films on DVD. I agree. If you can spare a moment, please take a
look, and consider signing yourself. (Wouldn't be great to have Love Em and Leave Em or Beggars of Life on DVD?) The petition can be found at

Thursday, February 20, 2003
Two additions to the LBS website
Two recent additions to the Louise Brooks Society web site include: issue number 1020 of the Illustrierter Film-Kurier devoted to A Girl in Every Port
issue number 1314 of the Illustrierter Film-Kurier devoted to The Canary Murder Case These additions came about through the purchase of material on eBay.
issue number 1314 of the Illustrierter Film-Kurier devoted to The Canary Murder Case

Monday, February 17, 2003
Websites worth visiting
One web sites used in the compilation of the LBS bibliographies can be found at
This genealogy site contains a database of scanned historic newspapers
which are searchable by - in effect - keyword. Normally, individuals use
this resource to locate family records, but I have found it to be a
valuable resource for film research.
So far, searches on have turned up a handful of articles, captioned photographs, advertisements and film reviews in small town newspapers across the United States. The result are citations from the Zanesville Times-Signal from Ohio, the Appleton Post-Cresent from Wisconsin, the Helena Indepenedent from Montana, etc. . . . Among the fascinating and sometimes rather surprising items which came to light are a February, 1925 captioned photograph mentioning Brooks return to New York from London aboard the S. S. Homeric; an interesting December, 1925 article
"Follie's Girl Sues to Supress Her Very Artistic Photographs;" a mention in a 1940 syndicated gossip column that "Louise Brooks, ex-star, is teaching the rhumba and La Conga in Wichita, Kansas;" and a small town newspaper advertisement from the mid 1950's (long after Brooks was forgotten by just about everyone) evoking glamorous movie stars of the past who started as showgirls.
[ Other similar, searchable newspaper archives include and Each of these sites have produced interesting material, and each is worth a visit if you are interested in family history or genealogy. Please note: Each of the previously mentioned sites require subscription.]
Silent film buffs and history buffs alike will want to check out the web site for British Pathe (located at ). British Pathe made short newsreel films beginning around the turn-of-the-century. Thousands of these short two and three minute films are now available on-line (in a low resolution format) and can be viewed for free! There is fascinating stuff here . . . . Though there is no Brooks material, one can view vintage film of Chaplin, Fairbanks, and Valentino. For example, there is footage of Valentino's funeral in New York City, which Brooks attended. (A sobbing Poli Negri can be glimpsed, as well as Douglas Fairbanks Sr. as pallbearer.) Try searching by key words like "Charleston," "flapper" or "cinema" for other interesting material.
Another free site worth checking is the silent film database at the American Film Institute (located at ). There, you will find details on each of Brooks' silent films. Information on Brooks' later sound films is available only to AFI members.
So far, searches on have turned up a handful of articles, captioned photographs, advertisements and film reviews in small town newspapers across the United States. The result are citations from the Zanesville Times-Signal from Ohio, the Appleton Post-Cresent from Wisconsin, the Helena Indepenedent from Montana, etc. . . . Among the fascinating and sometimes rather surprising items which came to light are a February, 1925 captioned photograph mentioning Brooks return to New York from London aboard the S. S. Homeric; an interesting December, 1925 article
"Follie's Girl Sues to Supress Her Very Artistic Photographs;" a mention in a 1940 syndicated gossip column that "Louise Brooks, ex-star, is teaching the rhumba and La Conga in Wichita, Kansas;" and a small town newspaper advertisement from the mid 1950's (long after Brooks was forgotten by just about everyone) evoking glamorous movie stars of the past who started as showgirls.
[ Other similar, searchable newspaper archives include and Each of these sites have produced interesting material, and each is worth a visit if you are interested in family history or genealogy. Please note: Each of the previously mentioned sites require subscription.]
Silent film buffs and history buffs alike will want to check out the web site for British Pathe (located at ). British Pathe made short newsreel films beginning around the turn-of-the-century. Thousands of these short two and three minute films are now available on-line (in a low resolution format) and can be viewed for free! There is fascinating stuff here . . . . Though there is no Brooks material, one can view vintage film of Chaplin, Fairbanks, and Valentino. For example, there is footage of Valentino's funeral in New York City, which Brooks attended. (A sobbing Poli Negri can be glimpsed, as well as Douglas Fairbanks Sr. as pallbearer.) Try searching by key words like "Charleston," "flapper" or "cinema" for other interesting material.
Another free site worth checking is the silent film database at the American Film Institute (located at ). There, you will find details on each of Brooks' silent films. Information on Brooks' later sound films is available only to AFI members.

Saturday, February 15, 2003
More updates
Just added is the RadioLulu Playlist, a page on the News of Lulu website. Also updated is the Dancer & Showgirl bibliography on the LBS website.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003
Louise Brooks bibliographies
One of the most valuable assets of the Louise Brooks Society are the
many annotated bibliographies which help document the life and career of
the actress. Most importantly, these bibliographies help organize the
vast amount of written material about the actress, including vintage
reviews of her films. The bibliographies contain not only numerous
citations, but also links to select articles. Additionally, many of the
citations are annotated with a brief quote or passage which in
themselves make for interesting reading. These web pages - all of which
are a work in progress - can be accessed at
So far, material has been gathered from the places most important to the story of Louise Brooks - Cherryvale and Wichita, Kansas, New York City, Los Angeles, California, Berlin, Germany and Rochester, New York.
Articles and film reviews are also being gathered from newspapers in nearly two dozen of the largest American cities of the 1920's - as well as select metropolitan areas in the then less populated South, Southwest and Far West. Taken together, these many articles offer a perspective on the actress in the words of her contemporaries. Additionally, many fascinating and previously unknown articles and bits of information have been uncovered. Work on the bibliographies has been going on for nearly two years, with another nine to twelve months of effort (research, interlibrary loans, reading microfilm, etc...) already mapped out.
So far, material has been gathered from the places most important to the story of Louise Brooks - Cherryvale and Wichita, Kansas, New York City, Los Angeles, California, Berlin, Germany and Rochester, New York.
Articles and film reviews are also being gathered from newspapers in nearly two dozen of the largest American cities of the 1920's - as well as select metropolitan areas in the then less populated South, Southwest and Far West. Taken together, these many articles offer a perspective on the actress in the words of her contemporaries. Additionally, many fascinating and previously unknown articles and bits of information have been uncovered. Work on the bibliographies has been going on for nearly two years, with another nine to twelve months of effort (research, interlibrary loans, reading microfilm, etc...) already mapped out.

Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Need research help in Atlantic City
Do you live near Atlantic City, New Jersey ? If so, the Louise Brooks
Society needs your help! The LBS would like to track down newspaper
articles which appeared in the Atlantic City Evening Union.
However, the only source for that paper on microfilm is the Atlantic
County Historical Society (located at 907 Shore Rd., Somers Point, NJ
08244 phone 609-927-5218). And unfortunately for the LBS - which is
located in San Francisco, California - that institution does not loan
its holdings.
As a member of the Denishawn Dance Company, Louise Brooks performed at the Apollo Theatre in Atlantic City in October, 1923. (The Denishawn engagement ran October 15th through the 23rd.) Nearly two years later, in September of 1925, the Miss America contest was held in Atlantic City. That event provided the backdrop for Brooks' second film, The American Venus. (Participants in the contest began arriving around September 7th, and Fay Lanphier - who is starred in the film - was crowned on September 12th.)
The LBS would like to track down any and all articles, reviews or clippings about the Denishawn performance, relevant articles about the Miss America contest (especially if the making of The American Venus is mentioned), and reviews of the movie after its showing in Atlantic City in January or February of 1926. Certainly, the Atlantic City Evening Union gave coverage to one or all of these events. (Another possible source for clippings is the Atlantic City Daily Press - though it is uncertain if this newspaper was being published in the mid 1920's.) Please email the LBS if you are able to help with this special research project. The LBS would be happy to reimburse individuals for photocopies made from microfilm.
As a member of the Denishawn Dance Company, Louise Brooks performed at the Apollo Theatre in Atlantic City in October, 1923. (The Denishawn engagement ran October 15th through the 23rd.) Nearly two years later, in September of 1925, the Miss America contest was held in Atlantic City. That event provided the backdrop for Brooks' second film, The American Venus. (Participants in the contest began arriving around September 7th, and Fay Lanphier - who is starred in the film - was crowned on September 12th.)
The LBS would like to track down any and all articles, reviews or clippings about the Denishawn performance, relevant articles about the Miss America contest (especially if the making of The American Venus is mentioned), and reviews of the movie after its showing in Atlantic City in January or February of 1926. Certainly, the Atlantic City Evening Union gave coverage to one or all of these events. (Another possible source for clippings is the Atlantic City Daily Press - though it is uncertain if this newspaper was being published in the mid 1920's.) Please email the LBS if you are able to help with this special research project. The LBS would be happy to reimburse individuals for photocopies made from microfilm.

Friday, February 7, 2003
New film in the works
I can't say much - BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW MUCH - but the LBS has been told
that a dramatic film based on the life of Louise Brooks is in the
works. It centers on the filming of Pandora's Box. An actress has already been chosen to play Louise. Watch the LBS website for details as further information becomes available.

Sunday, February 2, 2003
RadioLulu is on the air
The Louise Brooks
Society is proud to announce the launch of RadioLulu, an internet-only
station featuring music of the Twenties through today. This streaming
radio station - featuring "all things Lulu" - includes a handful of
songs directly related to the actress. The station - which was created
December 29, 2002 - can be found at
Included on RadioLulu is the theme from Beggars of Life, songs by the actress' contemporaries, friends and co-stars, jazz and show tunes of the 1920's, and a handful of standards (including Brooks' favorite Gershwin tune, "Somebody Loves Me"). The contemporary era is represented by rock music, soundtrack recordings and musical tributes from around the world.
Everyone from Maurice Chevalier (singing the ever popular "Louise") and the torch singer Libby Holman (a friend of Brooks) to actors Adolphe Menjou, Noah Berry and Rudolph Valentino are highlighted on this unique station. The playlist is arranged in loose chronological order, with themes such as "Louise Brooks in the Jazz Age," "European Sojourn," "The 1930's - National Depression and Professional Decline," and "Contemporary Lulu" helping to organize dozens of songs.
Besides providing more than three hours of entertaining music, RadioLulu also provides the rare opportunity to actually hear hard-to-find vintage and contemporary recordings associated with the actress.
Additional tracks, such as the Xavier Cugart recordings recommended by Brooks in her 1940 booklet The Fundamental of Good Ballroom Dancing, will be added to the station sometime in the future. Right now, however, your help is needed. Does anyone have an mp3 of the theme song to Prix de Beaute ? Or one for "Darling of the Jazz Age" from the recent Swiss production, Brooksie the Jazz Age Musical ? Or any rock music recordings not already included on the station, such as the little known Louise Brooks by Legendary Bang? If so, please email the LBS.
Included on RadioLulu is the theme from Beggars of Life, songs by the actress' contemporaries, friends and co-stars, jazz and show tunes of the 1920's, and a handful of standards (including Brooks' favorite Gershwin tune, "Somebody Loves Me"). The contemporary era is represented by rock music, soundtrack recordings and musical tributes from around the world.
Everyone from Maurice Chevalier (singing the ever popular "Louise") and the torch singer Libby Holman (a friend of Brooks) to actors Adolphe Menjou, Noah Berry and Rudolph Valentino are highlighted on this unique station. The playlist is arranged in loose chronological order, with themes such as "Louise Brooks in the Jazz Age," "European Sojourn," "The 1930's - National Depression and Professional Decline," and "Contemporary Lulu" helping to organize dozens of songs.
Besides providing more than three hours of entertaining music, RadioLulu also provides the rare opportunity to actually hear hard-to-find vintage and contemporary recordings associated with the actress.
Additional tracks, such as the Xavier Cugart recordings recommended by Brooks in her 1940 booklet The Fundamental of Good Ballroom Dancing, will be added to the station sometime in the future. Right now, however, your help is needed. Does anyone have an mp3 of the theme song to Prix de Beaute ? Or one for "Darling of the Jazz Age" from the recent Swiss production, Brooksie the Jazz Age Musical ? Or any rock music recordings not already included on the station, such as the little known Louise Brooks by Legendary Bang? If so, please email the LBS.

Saturday, February 1, 2003
New citations added to bibliographies
A handful of citations have been added to the film bibliographies, with
corresponding articles gathered into the LBS archive. Citiations have
been collected from the Indianapolis Star, Pittsburgh Post-Gazzette, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio, and the Appleton Post-Cresent
from Wisconsin. Also, a number of pages have been updated or revised -
additional information has been added to the filmography pages, and
additional images have been added to a few of the portrait galleries.
Also new is the donate (via PayPal) button at the bottom of the homepage. A donation (in any amount) will help pay the expense of hosting and maintaining this website, as well as defray the cost of photocopies, postage and other research expenses. Contributions will be used to ensure that this website is further developed and that additional material is addeds. If possible, please use PayPal to make a donation to the Louise Brooks Society. Click on the PayPal button below to make a contribution of as little as $1.00. The Louise Brooks Society is a not-for-profit website devoted to the promotion and study of the life and films of Louise Brooks. Your interest and assistance is appreciated.
Also new is the donate (via PayPal) button at the bottom of the homepage. A donation (in any amount) will help pay the expense of hosting and maintaining this website, as well as defray the cost of photocopies, postage and other research expenses. Contributions will be used to ensure that this website is further developed and that additional material is addeds. If possible, please use PayPal to make a donation to the Louise Brooks Society. Click on the PayPal button below to make a contribution of as little as $1.00. The Louise Brooks Society is a not-for-profit website devoted to the promotion and study of the life and films of Louise Brooks. Your interest and assistance is appreciated.

Saturday, January 18, 2003
New citations added to bibliographies
A bunch of citations have been added to various bibliographies, with
corresponding articles gathered into the LBS archive. Citiations have
been collected from the Providence Journal, Kansas City Star, Helena Indepenedent (Montana), and Zanesville Times-Signal
(Ohio), as well as a handful of small-town newspapers scattered across
the American Midwest and South. A few contemporary reviews have also
been gathered from Box Office magazine and the Chicago Reader.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003
Updated pages
Recently updated are Around the World, on the News of Lulu site, as well as Related Magazine Covers and More Book Covers on the LBS website.

Friday, January 3, 2003
Manchester (UK) screening
Just quick note to let everyone know about a screening of Pandora's Box
that is scheduled for the Cornerhouse Cinema in Manchester, England.
This screening will take place on Sunday, January 19, 2003, at Cinema 1
at 8.30 pm. For more info see
Live accompaniment will be provided by dark ambient experimentalists Cipher ( Saxophonist / Flautist Theo Travis & Bassist / Sound designer Dave Sturt ). For more info see
Live accompaniment will be provided by dark ambient experimentalists Cipher ( Saxophonist / Flautist Theo Travis & Bassist / Sound designer Dave Sturt ). For more info see

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