Monday, February 24, 2003

News of Lulu updates

Yesterday, a "News of Lulu" email was sent to members of the LBS. This email newsletter is hosted by Yahoo: Groups on a web site called News of Lulu. That adjunct site can be found at

News of Lulu contains a lots of interesting material, including colorized portraits, fan art, text files, a calendar of events, links and more. Recently updated is a nifty set of links called "Around the World with Louise Brooks." Also new, located under Files, is a set of folders to which LBS members may contribute original work including poems & song lyrics, essays & school papers, and short stories (including "fan fic") about Louise Brooks. If you have something to contribute along these lines,
please post your work to the appropriate folder. Pieces can be uploaded as Word documents, plain text files or html.

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