About the Louise Brooks Society

The Louise Brooks Society™  website (at www.pandorasbox.com) was established in 1995 as a gathering place for like-minded individuals from around the world. Over the years, the website has been given many awards and designations, among them "Yahoo Site of the Day." The Louise Brooks Society blog was begun in 2002 on LiveJournal, and transitioned in 2009 to Blogger, where it still resides. That's where you are now! The LBS is also a longtime member of the
Read the 2018 Profile of the LBS

Visit the LBS page on the Large Association of Movie Blogs

 Classic Movie Hub
The Louise Brooks Society is devoted to the appreciation and promotion of the life and films of Louise Brooks. The mission of the society is to honor the actress by stimulating interest in her life, films and writings, as well as her place in 20th century culture; by fostering and coordinating research; by serving as a repository for relevant material; and by advocating for the preservation and restoration of her films and other material.

The purpose of the LBS is to promote interest in the actress by serving as a focal point for various related activities; by disseminating accurate information including scholarly texts; and by offering individuals a variety of materials to aid in their appreciation of the actress. Above all, the LBS encourages the viewing of Brooks’ surviving films, and the fellowship of her admirers. To this end, the LBS has published books, mounted exhibits, and put on events and screenings.

Future projects include ongoing development of its website, blog, and social media presence, as well as the publication of new material about the actress in the form of both books and e-books. The LBS has also begun creating video shorts and podcasts for its YouTube channel. Other projects are on the drawing board.
Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society

Want to learn more about the LBS? Follow these links:
Read what others have said about the Louise Brooks Society by visiting its "In the News" page. Besides its website, the Louise Brooks Society blog has received it fair share of attention, and not just from other bloggers. Noted cultural critic Greil Marcus gave the blog a shout out when he mentioned a 2015 post on his column on BarnesandNobleReview. A book review on the LBS blog was mentioned on the Columbia University Press website, while another book review was mentioned on the BearManor Media website. Individual LBS blog posts have been cited in a Ph.D dissertation from Concordia University in Montreal, an article on Shelf Awareness, and on a page of the Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum. One of the nicest compliments the Louise Brooks Society has ever received was directed at its blog. It came from Cliff Aliperti on his excellent Immortal Ephemera website. Referencing his own site, Cliff stated, "The site is going slowly, I'm trying to make the blog grow quicker than the main site by posting interesting bits of information I unearth and unusual collectibles I come across (full disclosure: the model for the blog is the excellent Louise Brooks Society blog over at pandorasbox.com, the best fan site around that I'm aware of. I wish I could update mine this often.)" Thank you for your interest.
At the George Eastman Museum in 2006

The Louise Brooks Society, established online in 1995, operates with the consent of the Estate of Louise Brooks (Louise Brooks Heirs, LC), and have its permission to use the name and likeness of Louise Brooks. The wordmark “Louise Brooks Society”was first used in 1995, and is under common law trademark. Content original to the Louise Brooks Society website, including the term “Louise Brooks Society” is © Thomas Gladysz.


Anonymous said...

Your blog - your writing, your research, your insights - fascinating. I have been on your site for almost an hour - reading, thinking, wondering. Fantastic...

Anonymous said...

hello, what ever became of Brooksies brother and sister, did they live after her death? thank you. mykustom61@hotmail.com

Louise Brooks Society said...

A belated thank you for your kind words

Louise Brooks Society said...

Be sure and check out the Barry Paris biography of Louise Brooks. All your questions will be answered there!

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