Friday, February 28, 2003


At the bottom of the LBS home page is a newly installed PayPal donation button. I am hoping individuals who enjoy this free site will make a small donation to help keep things going. (One person already has!) Monthly dial-up charges, server costs, the recently launched RadioLulu (I pay a royalty fee), and subscriptions (like those to database sites) are just some of the expenses that go into keeping the LBS on the web and groing. A donation (in any amount) will help defray the cost of photocopies, postage and research expenses. Contributions will also be used to ensure new material is added on an ongoing basis, and that the LBS continues as the largest and most comprehensive web site in the world devoted to any silent film star. The Louise Brooks Society is a money losing labor of love, and a not-for-profit web site devoted to the promotion and study of the life and films of Louise Brooks. Your interest and assistance is appreciated.

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