Thursday, March 16, 2023

Exhibiting Louise Brooks Around the World

Louise Brooks is a 20th century icon, and a magnet for meaning. Just recently, I became aware of two exhibits which make use of Louise Brooks' name and likeness. 

One of them, "Weimar Female: Women and Gender Diversity in Modern Cinema (1918 – 1933)," runs March 29 to November 12, 2023 at the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum for Film and Television, Berlin in Germany. More on the exhibition can be found HERE, though for more Louise Brooks you should also check out the Deutsche Kinemathek homepage.

According to the Deutsche Kinemathek website, "The exhibition is dedicated to gender diversity and women in the cinema of the Weimar Republic. Gender reversal, self-determination and homosexuality were themes in the film, but the most popular was the "New Woman": To this day, her type stands for modernity and breaking out of convention, he lives on in series like Babylon Berlin  or  Eldorado  KaDeWe . But who were the real New Women? After the First World War, they confidently took advantage of the professional opportunities, also in the up-and-coming film industry. Their stories are told with numerous exhibits and film examples." 

On Instagram, I also came across this stunning image promoting the exhibit. It depicts Alice Roberts and Louise Brooks in what can only be described as large format! From what I gather, around 150 additional exhibits were brought together exclusively for the Frankfurt presentation of the exhibit. I would love to hear from anyone who is able to check out either exhibit.

And the next day, elsewhere on the continent, Louise Brooks is once again the poster girl for an educational event in Spain. I also found this image and announcement on Instagram. The description states, "Literature and cinema once again go hand in hand where the same language is intertwined. A review of the narrative and visual history where the protagonists are women, including the career of Alice Guy-Blaché, Mary Pickford, Dorothy Azner, María Falconetti and Louise Brooks. Luis Romero Siluto will recreate a dreamlike atmosphere that will make us remember great moments of the genre. An unmissable date for great lovers of the seventh art. To register, contact the email: or the contact telephone number: 922 42 00 07 (Department of Culture)."

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  ( Original contents copyright © 2023. Further unauthorized use prohibited.

1 comment: said...

She was amazing. Have a wonder vintage still of her as Lulu In the arms of the countess. You illustrated it in the blog.

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