Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year from the Louise Brooks Society

Happy New Year from the Louise Brooks Society. Lets hope 2022 will be a good year for all. If you are wondering who the exhausted woman is to the left of baby 1927, it is one of the of the women from the various ports-of-call who appeared in the 1928 film, A Girl in Every Port. It is 1930s film star Myrna Loy!

Myrna Loy was just one of the many emerging stars who appeared in A Girl in Every Port. Here is a still from that film featuring Loy and Victor McLaglen.

And finally, to end the year right / or to begin the new year also right, here is a lovely portrait of Louise Brooks from A Girl in Every Port. It is a somewhat different look for the actress. Don't you think?

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