Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Around the World with Louise Brooks

I have good news and not so good news.... First the not so good news. Despite the fact that I have steadily applied myself to working on my two volume book, Around the World with Louise Brooks, I will not be able to complete it this year as I had hoped. I estimate that I am 80% done with this rather large project, which currently stands at more than 900 pages. I admit to a bit of project creep -- I am always coming across new and interesting things -- but also, life and this crazy world and another couple of projects have diverted my attention. 

I will, of course, keep everyone updated on my progress and the books' publication date, which should be in 2022. I am anxious to finish it, as it has consumed me for too long and I am anxious to get going on other things.

The covers for the two volumes of Around the World with Louise Brooks

And now the good news.... Consequently, I need to set Around the World with Louise Brooks aside for a couple / three months in order to work on a new book project, a tie-in to one of Brooks' films which is currently being newly restored and which will likely debut next year (provided the world doesn't end). I have assisted in a small way with the film's restoration, but can't say which film it is, as this project is under wraps until its debut in 2022.

This new project, a slim book under 150 pages, will be similar to two of my earlier publications, Beggars of Life: a Companion to the 1928 Film, and Now We're in the Air: A Companion to the Once Lost Film. I intend to get this new book project done in time to the restoration debut in 2022. Stay tuned to this blog and the Louise Brooks Society website for details.

While conducting research for Around the World with Louise Brooks, I spent hundreds of hours going through various online newspaper and magazine archives. I bookmarked these sites in order to return to them again, but also because some proved difficult to find, in that some were come across only by chance, or were found while looking for something else. 

Recently, I completed an overhaul of the Resources / Links page of this blog which include a handful of link lists which bookmark film magazines dating from the silent and early sound era. At the time these lists were compiled, each link was freely accessible on the web, without need of subscription, institutional affiliation, or local access. Generally speaking, I have included magazines published from the time before Brooks' began her film career, but not those published after her career ended, around 1940. Not all publications listed contain material related to Louise Brooks, though many do. Happy hunting / happy researching.

On the Resources / Links page, you will find links to film magazines from silent and early sound era from all around the world. There are publications from not only the United States and Germany and France, but also Poland, Spain, Cuba, Brazil, Australia and elsewhere. This page is a work in progress. I should add more links to obscure publications in the coming weeks. Are these lists missing a worthwhile site? Send a suggestions to LouiseBrooksSocietyATgMAILdotCOM


gatsby's green light said...

Wow, it might be said that you buried the lead on this post. The fact that there's a new restoration of a Brooks film under way sounds very exciting, especially if it's one of the American features that isn't available in a good edition. I look forward to more news on this effort in the new year! Thanks for another year of amazing research and writing on Louise Brooks.

Louise Brooks Society said...

Thanks for reading the post, and noticing. So far, YOU are the only one.

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