Sunday, January 2, 2022

Which is your favorite portrait of Louise Brooks?

Over the years, I have been asked the same question different ways. "Which is your favorite portrait of Louise Brooks?" I suppose I have answered that question differently depending on when I was asked. Let me try again. Here are five of my favorite portraits of Louise Brooks.

Answer #1: For me, this early image may well be the "perfect" portrait of the actress. This photograph captures, or rather details, the glory of Brooks' youth and beauty.

Answer #2: I came across this portrait of Brooks early on, and developed something of a crush on the actress because of it. For years, a framed copy of this print hung on the wall. I was mystified by Brooks' slight smile, demure glance, and the way her bangs broke just a bit.

Answer #3: I also came across this portrait of Brooks early on, and it helped fuel my crush on the actress. Like the previous portrait, I love Brooks' slight smile, direct gaze, and the way her hair falls forward on one side.

Answer #4: There is something almost sculptural, almost monolithic, about this otherwise formal image... the direct gaze, the perfect lighting - the balanced shine on Brooks' glossy hair. Like the famous Eugene Richee portrait of Brooks' holding pearls, this is image as icon.

Answer #5: I think of this atypical image of Brooks as the "perfect" informal portrait... the slight smile, the tousled hair, the demure look.

Not included in this short list of favorites is Eugene Richee's famous portrait of Brooks holding a strand of pearls. Certainly, it is the best known and most artistic of the many images of the actress. But, it is also the most formal, least human. It is a gorgeous image, which explains its ubiquitous appeal. 

If someone were to ask you "Which is your favorite portrait of Louise Brooks?" How would you reply?


Unknown said...

Bonjour, le portrait que je préfère parmi cette liste est le numéro 3. Mais le choix est difficile.

Louise Brooks Society said...

Oui en effet

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