Monday, May 31, 2021

Roberto Baldazzini's Hollywoodland published in France

Roberto Baldazzini's Hollywoodland, a graphic novel originally published in Italy in 2019, has just been published in France. The cover of the new French edition is picture below. Additional information about this new edition can be found HERE

Here is the publishers description, in French: "Hollywoodland : c'était l'enseigne qui trônait, il y a cent ans, en haut des collines surplombant Los Angeles, avant que le suffixe « Land » ne disparaissent. Des années qui virent la transformation d'une ville née en plein désert dans la Mecque du cinéma. Une Babylone en carton-pâte et ses décors magnifiques où se dissimulent toute la mesquinerie dont l'homme est capable. Dans une Amérique juste sortie de la première guerre mondiale, Hollywoodland est l'histoire de deux frères on ne peut plus différents, de leurs passions et de leurs désillusions. Ils ne le savent pas encore, mais le destin a déjà écrit pour eux des paroles de mort."

And here is the publishers description in English, after being run through a translation program: "Hollywoodland: it was the sign that sat enthroned, a hundred years ago, at the top of the hills overlooking Los Angeles, before the suffix "Land" disappeared. Years that saw the transformation of a city born in the middle of the desert in the Mecca of cinema. A cardboard Babylon and its magnificent decorations which conceal all the pettiness of which man is capable. In an America just emerging from the First World War, Hollywoodland is the story of two brothers who could not be more different, their passions and their disillusions. They don't know it yet, but fate has already written words of death for them." 

Pictured above is a sample page from the book, which hopefully will be published in English someday. (Others of Roberto Baldazzini's book have been published in the United States by NBM.) I have written about the artist and his earlier Italian edition in the past. Those earlier blogs can be found HERE and HERE

Roberto Baldazzini is a well know Italian comix artist. He has drawn many published works, many of which are erotic in nature. Baldazzini has also previously depicted Louise Brooks. Michele Masiero is also an Italian graphic novelist, with a number of publications to his credit.

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