Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Rare footage of Louise Brooks

Speaking of comic art.... There is a big exhibit in Rome devoted to the graphic art of Guido Crepax, the Italian cartoonist whose  Valentina comix were inspired by Louise Brooks. "Valentina Movie" runs through September 30 at the Palazzo Incontro in Rome.

Italian LBS member Gianluca Chiovelli sent an email pointing out this recently posted related YouTube clip, which excerpts material from an Italian documentary dating from when I am not quite sure. It also contains footage I don't think I have ever seen before.

For more about this fantastic exhibit, be sure and check out this fantastic blog by Anna Battista.

1 comment:

Louise Brooks Society said...

Gianluca Chiovelli has emailed to say the footage was shot in 1977, and the interview was by Maria Bosio for RAI TV=Radio Televisione Italiana=Italian Radio and Television

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