Saturday, June 30, 2012

Laura Moriarty (and Louise Brooks) on CBS

Today, author Laura Moriarty appeared on CBS This Morning, where she spoke about her new book, The Chaperone, and its silent film inspiration, Louise Brooks. Be sure and get a copy. It is terrific, and as they mention on the show, it is on everyone's must read list.

The video is titled, "Louise Brooks book author on how she wrote it" and its descriptor is "One of this summer's hottest reads is The Chaperone, a book about the famous '20s film star Louise Brooks and her fictional chaperone. The author, Laura Moriarty, spoke with Rebecca Jarvis."

1 comment:

Louise Brooks Society said...

I wonder if this was the first time Louise Brooks appeared on CBS?

Speaking of CBS/degrees of separation/all roads lead: CBS was founded by William S. Paley. He and Louise Brooks hooked-up briefly in the 1920s, and from the 1960s onward, Paley SECRETLY supported Brooks while she was living in Rochester, NY. He wanted to encourage her writing, and she did end up producing "Lulu in Hollywood" because of his generosity. Paley's support of Brooks only came to light with his passing.

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