Monday, February 23, 2009

Screen Seductresses tickets to be won!

The FutureMovies website in Britian is giving away tickets to a upcoming screening of Pandora's Box (1929) at the BFI, in London. 

Women have always been a commanding presence on the cinema screen and BFI Southbank, in association with the Birds Eye View Film Festival, are presenting a season of films dedicated to these vamps, vixens and femmes fatales. The season features an extended run of Joseph H. Lewis’s electrifying love-on-the-run cult classic Gun Crazy, in which Bart (John Dall) loves guns without wanting to kill, but Laurie (Peggy Cummins) yearns for violent excitement… Other highlights include Barbara Stanwyck’s glacial turn in Double Indemnity, Rita Hayworth’s infamous Gilda and ‘the miracle of Louise Brooks’ in Pandora’s Box. This is just a selection of the great films on offer; for more information

To find out more about the ticket give away, visit this webpage. And good luck!

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