Saturday, February 7, 2009

Lulu in London at BFI

Pandora's Box will be shown at the British Film Institute in London on March 11. Louise Brooks shines as the free-spirited, luminous Lulu. With specially commissioned live musical accompaniment from The Monroe Transfer. For more info, see 
Wed 11 Mar 18:00 NFT1
A distinguished society man becomes enraged by jealously on his wedding day, with disastrous consequences.
Free-spirited and luminous, Lulu affects those around her like a flame attracting moths. When her affair with distinguished society man Dr Schön (Kortner) becomes public, he marries her. But already on his wedding day Schön is enraged by jealousy, with disastrous  consequences. Brooks plays Lulu with astonishing insouciance and impenetrable allure; the film reveals, in Lotte Eisner's words, 'the
miracle of Louise Brooks'.
Directed by: GW Pabst 
Cast: Louise Brooks, Fritz Kortner, Francis Lederer 
Country: Germany 
Year: 1929 
Running time: c131min

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