Monday, January 29, 2007

Louise Brooks exhibit at the ICP

Speaking of exhibits, a small Louise Brooks exhibit is currently on display at the International Center for Photography in New York City. The exhibit, "Louise Brooks and the New Woman in Weimar Cinema," is on display through April 29.

From what I can tell, this exhibit is different from the one which recently closed at the George Eastman House. Instead of portraits, this one focusses on film stills. On display are various images from Pandora's Box and Diary of a Lost Girl, the two films Brooks made under director G. W. Pabst. According to the ICP website, "The American silent-film actress Louise Brooks (1906-1985) is one of the great female icons in the history of the cinema. . . . She embodied the ideal of the Weimar-era "New Woman," a social role that connoted political equality,  free-spiritedness, and gender ambiguity."

I would enjoy hearing from anyone who sees this exhibit.

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