Saturday, January 13, 2007

Buffalo screening in February

Pandora's Box will be shown at 7 pm on February 6th at the Market Arcade Film and Arts Center(639 Main St.), in Buffalo, New York. Open to the public and screened as part of a university class series, the film will be preceeded by an introduction by a class instructor. Philip Carli will provide accompaniment on the electronic piano. This short wrote-up appeared in the University of Buffalo's UB Reporter:
Feb 6: "Pandora's Box/Die Büchse der Pandora," 1929, directed by Georg Wilhem Pabst. Few films come close to "Pandora's Box" for psychological and erotic depth. Louise Brooks is fabulous as Lulu in this film based on two plays by Franz Wedekind. Her look led to a comic strip—"Dixie Dugan"—and a social craze—flappers.

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