Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Rare silent version of Prix de Beauté screening in NYC

The Tribeca Film Festival in New York City has announced that it will be screening the rare silent version of Prix de Beauté, which according to the festival, "is somewhat different from the sound version that is usually shown." The 2006 Festival will take place from April 25 - May 7, 2006.

The Tribeca Film Festival was founded in 2002. It screens a variety of films, including a section devoted to restored and rediscovered films. According to it's website, "Renewing the Festival's commitment to highlighting remarkable treasures from the history of cinema, this section, co-curated by Martin Scorsese and Peter Scarlet, includes newly restored or preserved copies from some of the world's leading film archives."
Prix de Beauté directed by Augusto Genina, written by René Clair and G.W. Pabst (France).  As her final starring role, the legendary Louise Brooks plays a typist who wins a beauty contest in this French-shot feature. We are screening the rare silent version, which is somewhat different from the sound version that is usually shown. Preceded by Giovani Pastrone's one-reeler, The Fall of Troy (1911). Both films with live piano accompaniment by Donald Sosin and live translation of French and Italian intertitles.

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