Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Guerrilla Girls

The cover story of the current issue of Go Triad - an arts & entertainment magazine from Greensboro, North Carolina - is devoted to the Guerrilla Girls, the longstanding feminist theater troupe. The Guerrilla Girls were formed in 1985, and have appeared around the United States and the world "working collectively and anonymously, producing posters, billboards, public actions, books and other projects to make feminism funny and fashionable." (For more about their activities, check The article notes "Members of the Guerrilla Girls keep their identities anonymous by assuming the names of prominent women in history. The group includes, among others, Julia Child, Coco Chanel, Anna May Wong, Louise Brooks and Aphra Behn, a playwright of the late 17th century known for her bawdy humor."

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