Thursday, February 9, 2006

Louise Brooks event this Saturday

Louise Brooks fans will want to know about an event taking place on Saturday. Echoeing language from the LBS website, this small piece appeared inArtvoice, a Buffalo alternative weekly. "Louise Brooks appeared in 24 films between 1925 and 1948, during what is considered the Golden Age of Hollywood. Perhaps most famous for her portrayal of Lulu in G. W. Pabst’s German classic Pandora’s Box (1929), Brooks has since gained iconic status among film buffs. Though she may be remembered as much for her trademark bobbed haircut as for her acting ability, her impact on film history is undeniable. This year marks what would have been the actress’ 100th birthday, and a photo exhibit and reception will be held in her honor at the Karpeles Manuscript Museum. An exhibit of Brooks images is noteworthy enough but the fact that entertainment is provided by Lowest of Low frontman Ron Hawkins’ Acoustic Revue makes the evening extra special." For more info and pix, visit this website.

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