Thursday, February 16, 2006

Here is what I what I looked at and here is what I found

I went ot the library yesterday to check out some of my just arrived interlibrary loans. Here is what I what I looked at and here is what I found. . . .  Following up on an earlier post, I requested some college newspapers in hopes of finding reviews of Denishawn performances. I asked for the Ohio State Lantern, but my request was rejected as the microfilm for this Ohio State University student newspaper was "not on the shelf." I shall ask for it again at a later date. I also requested the Cornell Daily Sun and the Reveille (from Louisiana State University), but neither newspaper contained any editorial coverage. The Cornell Daily Sun did run a couple of advertisements for the Denishawn performance in nearby Ithaca, New York.

I also looked at various issues of the Whig Journal (from Quincy, Illinois) and the Omaha Bee (from Omaha, Nebraska), and in each I did find articles and reviews of the Denishawn performances in those two cities. Citations for the material I found have been added to the various LBS bibliographies.

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