Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Dylan connection and other bibliographic tidbits

There were a few inter-library loans waiting for me this week. . . . For the first time, I looked at microfilm of the London Observer, a weekly (?) newspaper from England. I had based my loans requests on the handful of screening dates I had already uncovered in the London Times. I was hoping to find film reviews. However, most every London newspaper I've looked at from the period gave scant attention to the "pictures" - as they usually were termed. The London Observer was no different. All that I was able to find was a brief summary of The Canary Murder Case(1929) from October, which the paper described as "One of the best of the talking thrillers."

I also went through a couple of months of the Chicago American from 1934, the period when Louise Brooks was dancing in nightclubs as part of "Dario and Brooks." I was hoping to find some textual material (such as reviews or a mention in a column), but all I did uncover were some advertisement for the Chez Paree, a Chicago nightclub where Brooks and her partner were appearing. The ads noted the dance team, who were supporting two bigger name acts, torch singer Helen Morgan and the comedic Ritz Brothers.

I also went through a couple of months of the Hibbing Daily Tribune, from Hibbing, Minnesota. (This small town is perhaps most famous as the childhood home to Robert Zimmerman - a.k.a. the folk singer Bob Dylan.) The Hibbing Daily Tribune gave up a slew of material on the March, 1924 performance the Denishawn dance company. I found five article and a review! One of the articles, which were little more than program notes, mentioned Brooks - while another pictured her and other members of the Denishawn company. The review which ran the day after their performance also mentioned the future actress. "One of the most attractive numbers of the evening was the Music Box with Georgia Graham, Doris Humphrey and Louise Brooks."

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