Sunday, June 23, 2024

Pandora's Box, starring Louise Brooks, to play at Wilton's Music Hall in London on June 24

Pandora's Box, starring Louise Brooks, will be shown at Wilton's Music Hall in London, England on Monday, June 24. That's tomorrow. This evening screening, presented by the Lucky Dog Picturehouse, will premiere "a brand new piano score, performed live". However, the venue posting does not mention who composed or will be performing the piano score. More information about this event can be found HERE.

And here is what the venue has to say about this event. "Now in their 11th year at Wilton's Music Hall, The Lucky Dog Picturehouse present a new score for the film that launched icon of the flapper age Louise Brooks to international stardom. Brooks stars as the effortlessly seductive Lulu, a high class courtesan and dancer who brings destruction to the Berlin bourgeoisie with her turbulent love affairs, both male and female. Heavily censored in its day, G.W. Pabst's 1929 Weimar masterpiece still feels incredibly modern and ranks among The Guardian's top 100 films of all time.

Experience this rare special screening with a brand new piano score, performed live.

'Silent Film has no finer custodians' Nicholas Barber, BBC Culture

'Loved every minute! A cultural treat for film and music fans' Joanna Van Der Meer, BFI

Running time:
2 hours 20 minutes, including interval

24th June . 7:30PM .
£11 - £16 full price | £8.50 - £13.50 concession"
Notably, accompanying  the above page is a small slideshow of images, one of which comes not from Pandora's Box, but from The Diary of a Lost Girl, the second film Brooks made with G. W. Pabst. I sure which presenters who should know better would stop mixing up these two films!

For more about Pandora's Box, please visit the newly revamped filmography page on the Louise Brooks Society website. 

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  ( Original contents copyright © 2024. Further unauthorized use prohibited. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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