Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Coming in May on the Louise Brooks Society blog

The Louise Brooks Society blog is pleased to announce it will participate in two blogathons in the month of May.

The first is the 2024 Luso World Cinema Blogathon. This blogathon celebrates the contributions of Portuguese-speaking peoples and their descendants to world cinema. This fourth edition of the blogathon launches on Saturday, May 4, 2024. The heart of the event is Sunday, May 5, which is World Portuguese Language Day.  (UNESCO recognized the holiday in 2019.) The blogathon runs through Monday, May 6, 2024. 

The Louise Brooks Society blog plans to post on each of the three days of this blogathon. The proposed topics include

  1. Louise Brooks & Her Films as Seen in the Portuguese-American Press
  2. Louise Brooks and Brazil – when Pandora’s Box was featured in a 1930 Chaplin Club newsletter
  3. Louise Brooks & Her Films as Seen in the Brazilian Magazines & Newspapers

There are other topics I could cover, like those having to do with Portugal itself, and Angola, but I will save those for next year. 

The Luso World Cinema Blogathon was begun by Brazilian film writer Letícia “Le” Magalhães and American film writer Beth Ann Gallagher. Beth is a longtime friend and supporter of the LBS. As a matter of fact, we met over the internet through our mutual interest in Louise Brooks. Later, when she moved to Northern California, we got to meet in person. She is a great person, and I would encourage everyone to check out her website / blog Spellbound with Beth Ann

More information on Luso World Cinema Blogathon, including a list of other participants and topics, may be found HERE.

The Louise Brooks Society is a longtime member of the CMBA -- the Classic Movie Blog Association. Their banner is represented in the right hand column of this blog. (If you are a serious blogger, you should consider joining. It is a community of film buffs and movie lovers.)

The second blogathon in which the Louise Brooks Society blog will participate is the Spring 2024 CMBA blogathon. This year’s theme is Screen Debuts & Last Hurrahs -- a look at beginnings and endings of film careers. The Spring 2024 CMBA blogathon will run May 20-24, 2024.

The LBS blog plans to participate twice, on Monday, May 20 and Friday, May 24.

Louise Brooks debut - The Street of Forgotten Men (1925)
Louise Brooks last film - Overland Stage Raiders (1938)

More information on Spring 2024 CMBA blogathon, including a list of other participants and topics, may be found HERE.

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  (www.pandorasbox.com). Original contents copyright © 2024. Further unauthorized use prohibited. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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