Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Challenge of Researching Louise Brooks and Silent Film

I continue to look for any sort of documentation of Louise Brooks films showing around the world. Not just in Europe or the Americas, but also in Asia, the Middle East, and north Africa. I have to date found a few advertisements and other clippings from Turkey, Palestine (now Israel), Egypt and Algeria. I was fortunate to do so because the actress or one of her films was mentioned by name either in English or French, or Turkish.


I was not so fortunate while searching through the Tangier Gazette, an English language newspaper based in Morocco. I thought to post the image below which shows the difficulty in documenting film exhibition in some countries. This 1929 ad, for example, which is nearly identical to ads I found from 1928, shows that the American films screened in Tangiers were not named. Instead, it was just movies made in America at 6 pm and 10 pm. And notably, they were not shown in a cinema, but rather in a casino hall. What films were they? We may never know.

Is anyone able to come up with an image of this venue? I would be interested to see something. I have been able to find images of theaters which showed Brooks' films -- not just in Europe, but also in India, Vietnam, Mexico, etc....

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