Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Dance With Me. Nouvelle Vague, Louise Brooks & Anna Karina

Here is something cool I found on YouTube, the song "Dance With Me" by Nouvelle Vague put to video clips of GW Pabst's Tagebuch einer Verlorenen or Diary of a Lost Girl (1929) and Jean-Luc Godard's Bande à part or Band of Outsiders (1964).

And for fun, here is an another video remix of the Nouvelle Vague song and actress Anna Karina in Godard's film. As Brooks' devotees know, Karina has long been associated with Brooks. There are other video remixes of the Nouvelle Vague song out there as well. These two caught my attention.

1 comment:

jaime roldan said...

After seeing these two videos I feel again reborn my love for this star of all time: Louise Brooks.

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