Friday, November 3, 2017

A sneak peak at Documentary of a Lost Girl: Finding Louise Brooks

Here is a six minute sneak peak at Documentary of a Lost Girl, the forthcoming film about Louise Brooks by Charlotte Siller. It's impressive.

From the filmmakers: "Documentary of a Lost Girl, due to be completed in May 2018, is a film that seeks to uncover the life of the late Louise Brooks by examining every facet of what's been left behind; the filmmakers have visited the places she's lived, spoken with her old friends and relatives, and have visited archives around the country to discover the woman who gifted us with such a beautiful, adventurous, and rebellious story. As a woman who fought against the sexual advances of Hollywood studio executives and exposed the truth about the slavery of the studio system in her later life in her various essays, making up her bestselling Lulu in Hollywood, her story is now more relevant than ever. She was a woman of the past who was ahead of her time, and she is now a voice most needed for the future. She always referred to herself as lost: 'Somehow I have avoided being found' she said."

For more about this worthwhile project, which needs your help in spreading the word, see


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