Saturday, February 27, 2016

Guest Post: Philip Vorwald solves the mystery of "A Trip Through The Paramount Studio 1927"

Philip Vorwald has done the silent film world, and the community of those interested in Louise Brooks, a great service. (Attention Clara Bow and W.C. Fields fans as well.) Recently, he took the time to visit the Library of Congress in order to view the rare promotional short, A Trip Through The Paramount Studio 1927. And, he wrote up this extensive report on what he saw. Vorwald did so to satisfy his own curiosity, and to settle the question of who actually appears in this little known film. Does Louise Brooks? Here is his extensive report.

What a great report on this rare and noteworthy short film. How fascinating to see George Bancroft dancing with Betty Bronson, and to see a young Mary Astor, and Brooks' fellow actors Chester Conklin and Dorothy Mackaill. Hopefully, this short film will be released someday on DVD so that all can enjoy.

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