Friday, August 21, 2015

The other Louise Brooks and the Lindbergh baby kidnappers

In the 1920s and 1930s, there were two Louise Brooks whose name popped up in the press.

The other Louise Brooks, the pretty blonde showgirl whose career shadowed that of the actress Louise Brooks, was thought at one time to have been mixed up in the Lindbergh kidnapping case. The Associated Press send out her picture with the following caption in 1932.

"Louise Brooks, former showgirl, was being sought by Boston, Mass., authorities after police learned that the girl's mother, Mrs. Martin Brooks, of Boston, had received a letter from Louise purporting to tell that she knew the kidnappers of the Lindbergh baby, March 31, 1932. It is one of the hundreds of clues that police throughout the country are patiently tracking down."

Was this just a publicity stunt, or some sort of mix-up? I haven't been able to find anything else on this stray bit of information. Are there any Lindbergh baby kidnapping experts who know where this "clue" went - aside from the fact this Louise Brooks wasn't involved.

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