Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Virtually Forever, a novel featuring Louise Brooks

In the past, I've blogged about Virtually Forever, a new novel which features Louise Brooks as a character. The actress and silent film star appears on the cover of the book, which was published in November of last year. The author of Virtually Forever is Anthony Eames, a former newspaper journalist and television producer-scriptwriter who lives in Australia. Recently, Eames sent me a link to a video interview about the book.

Here is the description of the book from the publisher. "Virtually Forever is a love story with an unusual twist. Michael Stanton has an obsessive interest in the long-dead, hauntingly beautiful silent screen actor, Louise Brooks. Involved in an military program to replicate world leaders in a virtual reality domain, he clandestinely uses this technology to recreate the Jazz Age world of Louise Brooks. Entering it, he appears as a wealthy and mysterious stranger and, soon after meeting Louise, a love affair follows against the backdrop of Hollywood parties and studio politics. Back in the real world, Michael’s colleagues have discovered that there is an unknown intruder in their top-secret computer system. The plot weaves between Michael's tempestuous love affair with Louise and his desperate struggle to safeguard her and her world from annihilation — at any cost."

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