Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today's three articles on Robert Murillo's The Vanity

On March 1st at 1 pm, author Robert Murillo will read from his new Louise Brooks inspired novel, The Vanity, at Orinda Books in Orinda, California. The event has received a good deal of  local publicity, including these three articles today.

The first, "An Orinda Author's Obsession: New novel melds fact and fiction, shines light on silent film star," appeared in the Lamorinda Weekly.

The second, "Louise Brooks to shine in Orinda," appeared on

And the third, "Orinda author turns fascination into novel," appeared in the San Jose Mercury News.

There was also an earlier article, "Orinda Resident Swaps Suits and Ties for Literary World," in the Orinda News in January.

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