Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pandora's Box (1929) tonight in Luxembourg

Today, Pandora's Box (1929), starring Louise Brooks, will be shown in Luxembourg.

Here is the write-up from the venue, Philharmonie, place de l’Europe, Luxembourg-Kirchberg.

The Louise Brooks Society would love to hear from anyone who attends this event. Pandora's Box will be screened at the Philharmonie with live music from the Ensemble Kontraste, conducted by Frank Strobel and playing a score especially composed for the film by Peer Raben.

We would like to know your impressions. Please post in the comments. 

Here is a January, 1930 newspaper advertisement for Pandora's Box, from the time the film was first shown in Luxembourg. There, the film was shown under the titles Lou lou, and La Boite de Pandore.

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