Sunday, May 16, 2010

From Jim Tully to Colleen moore

As mentioned in yesterday blog, here is one of my copies of Jim Tully's Beggars of Life, inscribed to actress Colleen Moore. I found it in a used bookstore here in California. The store owner gave me a discount, because it had sat on the shelves for so long. And they were happy to sell.

Tully's inscription to Colleen Moore reads "With the admiration of a Irish rover to a whimsical girl who knew him when." The book is signed, Hollywood, California 1926.


Emily said...

Wow! Quite the hidden treasure that you stumbled upon. Fantastic bookplate, too.

Unknown said...

i agree, very nice.
would like to see more bookplates from 20s - 30s show business people, too.

books and those that love them are rare in this age of immediacy.

and its kind of ironic, i guess-
in that these old paper treasures that have survived so many years, we call ephemera.

The Dapper Flapper said...

What in incredible find! You're lucky that you just found it in some used bookstore. Jeez. How do you keep finding such amazing things?

Disposable Darling said...

How charming!

djfelc said...

I just went through my grandfathers book collection and found 'Jarnegan' by Tully inscribed to Colleen Moore "with admiration" Jim Tully N.Y. 1926. Sounds like a fun read, think Ill keep it!

djfelc said...

I just went through my grandfathers book collection and found 'Jarnegan' by Tully inscribed to Colleen Moore "with admiration" Jim Tully N.Y. 1926. Sounds like a fun read, think Ill keep it!

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