Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Archives up for sale

As everyone knows, the print industry is on the skids. Newspapers and magazines are in trouble. Many have folded. And some are starting to sell off their assets - namely their archives, in order to raise cash and clean house.

Lately, two of the leading Chicago newspapers have started to sell off their photo archives. (Other newspapers from around the country are doing the same thing.) The two Chicago papers are The Sun-Times and The Tribune. Here is a recent article from the Chicago Reader about the Sun-Times and its sale of its photo archive. The article mentions that some of the images are being sold through eBay.

I have also noticed some Chicago Tribune images for sale on eBay, and elsewhere. Some of these images are vintage, some are contemporary. Some were common publicity phots, others were images taken by local news photographers. Two of the images I noticed were of Louise Brooks. Here is one of them.

Who knows what else will show up? Perhaps something unusual and interesting? Louise Brooks spent a little time in Chicago while married to a Chicago resident. She also danced there while a member of the Denishawn Dance Company. I have visited the city and its public library on more than a few occasions researching the actress. It has many connections with Brooks, and a rich history within film history. It was even home to Photoplay magazine.

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