Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fourteen hundred and counting

Some time during this still very young year, the Louise Brooks Society posted its 1400th blog! The LBS starting blogging back in 2002 at LiveJournal, and moved here to Blogger in June of last year. Between the old blog at and this new blog at there have now been more than 1400 entries. Wow! That's a lot.*

Admittedly, some of these blogs have been brief. Others, though, have been somewhat extensive. And a few have revealed previously unknown things about the actress. Nevertheless, that's a lot of blogging. Had you ever asked me to put together 1400 things to say about this very special silent film star - I would have said "impossible."

In 2010, the Louise Brooks Society will celebrate its 15th anniversary online. (The LBS was a pioneer among silent film websites.) I think 2010 will be a good year for all things Lulu. There will be much to look forward to. I guess we had better get back to work and start writing the next 1400 blogs.

*And no, we're not counting the various Twitter tweets or updates at the LBS profile on Facebook!

1 comment:

Disposable Darling said...

Long live the Louise Brooks Society! Long live Louise Brooks!

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