Thursday, December 13, 2007

David Thomson speaks on Louise Brooks

The great film historian, biographer and novelist David Thomson recently gave a talk at the Kansas City Public Library. Thomson's talk was on "How Hollywood Views Middle America." If you don't know his work - especially the Biographical Dictionary of Film - it is well worth checking out. He is smart. He is a fine writer, and an equally fine raconteur. I have had the pleasure of hosting him a handful of times at the bookstore where I work. (I also know that he is something of an admirer of Louise Brooks. He has written a number of articles either about or mentioning the actress.)

Well, his talk was on the Midwest, the idea of the Midwest, the way the Midwest is depicted in films. It is interesting, at times provocative, and at the end, Thomson breaks into a short riff on Louise Brooks. Check it out here.

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