Sunday, February 4, 2007

More inter-library loans and more

This week, I looked at some more inter-library loans. I went through the Salina Sun (located in a small town in Kansas) andHamilton Spectator (located in a small town in Ontario, Canada), and found some Denishawn material in each. Curiously, small town newspapers typically gave greater coverage to the Denishawn troupe than did big city newspapers. I also went through some microfilm reels of the Houston Post-Dispatch (Texas) and Hartford Courant (Connecticut), and found some articles, reviews and advertisements for Louise Brooks' films. Citations were added to the LBS bibliographies, and I also placed a couple of more loan requests.

I am also currently reading Louis Horst: Musician in a Dancer's World (Duke University Press, 1992) by Janet Mansfield Soares. Horst was the longtime musical director of the Denishawn Dance Company, including the two seasons Brooks was a member of the group. I am liking the book a good deal, and have gathered a few leads on Brooks-Denishawn research.

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