Saturday, February 3, 2007

Lulu in Catholicism

Back in 1988, the Rochester Times-Union ran an article about Barry Paris and his then not-yet-published biography of Louise Brooks. This was one of the articles I obtained on my recent visit to the Rochester Public Library.

The article read, in part, "Although he's already delivered a 1,050-page manuscript to publisher Alfred A. Knopf Inc., Barry Paris hasn't stopped his voracious research on the life of Louise Brooks, the silent screen star who spent her last three decades in Rochester. Paris, a Pittsburgh-based writer, says he heard that on April 11, 1963, Brooks delivered a lecture to the Catholic Womens Clubs of Rochester on "The Influence of Movie Stars on the Freedom of Women." The article went on note that Paris was in search of a copy of the lecture, as no record of it seems to have survived. "He asks that anyone who attended the lecture and either taped, or obtained a copy, or tooks notes on it - or just has a clear memories of it - write to him . . . ."

That clipping led me to request an interlibrary loan of the Courier Journal, the weekly Catholic newspaper based in Rochester. I went through  issues dating from April, 1963 hoping to find Brooks' lecture printed in full. No such luck! However, I did find a previously undocumented article announcing Brooks lecture, which was slated to take place on April 15th. The three paragraph article provided a few more bits of information, so the search goes on.

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