Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Louise Brooks exhibit

Speaking of the San Francisco Public Library, I have been given the green light to mount a Louise Brooks exhibit at the library later this year. The title will be something like "Homage to Lulu: Celebrating 100 Years of Louise Brooks." I plan to fill the exhibit with many of my treasures, including a number of rare books (naturally), magazines, newspaper clippings (including a rare full page, color Sunday Dixie Dugan comic strip), sheet music, postcards, photographs and more. All kinds of stuff!

This will be the second exhibit I've put on at the library. A few years back - maybe as long ago as 5 years - I put on a show called "Collecting the Stars," which featured all kinds of silent film memorabilia which I had acquired. Of course, Louise Brooks had a prominent part in that show. This time, she will dominate the exhibit. I will post additional information once the details are worked out.

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