Thursday, March 31, 2005

New DVD of It's the Old Army Game

I have watched the new Sunrise Silents DVD release of It's the Old Army Game (1926), and think it is splendid. This color-tinted, 90 minute print is crisp and clean and contains a jaunty, syncopated score. I have seen the movie before on video, and never really cared for it all that much. This time round, however, I found that I really liked the film. Louise Brooks and W.C. Fields are both enjoyable to watch. And the story holds up better than I remember. It's the Old Army Game is no masterpiece, but is well worth watching.

Cast: W.C. Fields, Louise Brooks, Blanche Ring, William Gaxton, Mary Foy, Mickey Bennett
Directed by Edward Sutherland.
In this epic of the American druggist, Elmer Prettywillie (Fields) is an apothecary and humanitarian, ever ready to administer to those in distress. He also likes "the old army game" and believes in never giving a sucker an even break. Contains a number of classic Fields routines as he encounters his usual adversaries. It is fun to watch Louise Brooks laughing as she observes Fields doing some of his comedy routines in this film.

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