Tuesday, March 22, 2005

John Decker

Back in 1925, the New York Evening World ran a review of the just opened Ziegfield Follies. The review stated " . . . a distinct hit was made last night by Louise Brooks, who is dancing in several numbers." The review also included a caricature of Brooks and her fellow Follies performers Dorothy Knapp and Ray Dooley (see page 91 of the Barry Paris biography).

The caricature was drawn by John Decker, the subject of a just published biography. According to the publisher "With all of his amazing talent - and scandalous exploits - it's surprising that the name of John Decker isn't more familiar today. In Bohemian Rogue: The Life of Hollywood Artist John Decker, author Stephen C. Jordan seeks to resurrect this forgotten figure of 20th century art. Jordan delves into the mystery of a man who overcame a difficult childhood and notorious apprenticeship to become a respected artist (and outrageous party-giver) in Hollywood. Bohemian Rogue chronicles the relatively brief - but eccentric - life of this neglected painter, caricaturist, and sculptor." Along with his caricature of Brooks, Decker also drew many of the stars of the silent film era. Though only a few are shown in this new book, it looks interesting.

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