Saturday, February 28, 2009

Goodbye, Rocky Mountain News

Newspapers are in trouble. I have read distressing reports about the Detroit News and Detroit Free Press, each of which might limit distribution. Here in San Francisco, there is talk of either selling or shutting down the city's one remaining real paper, the San Francisco Chronicle. And just today, the venerable, nearly 150 year old Rocky Mountain News has shut down. Denver is a lesser place with only one paper.

Newspapers are not only a guardian of democracy (I know that sounds corny, but imagine a society without them ?), but newspapers help document our culture. They review films, and books, and they tell us what is going on at theaters and recitals. And they create a paper trail.

I love reading old newspapers. They have played a large part in my research and in my attempt to document all things Louise Brooks. So, it was with sadness that I read about the demise of the Rocky Mountain News. Over the years, I have gone through both the Denver Post and now defunct Denver Times. Each has given up a bunch of reviews and articles about the actress. I have also acquired a few articles from the Rocky Mountain News. And so, in memorium, here they are.

anonymous. "Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn Will Appear at City Auditorium." Rocky Mountain News, December 17, 1922. (United States)
--- article in Denver, Colorado newspaper

anonymous. "Dancers Gather Stuffs for Sewing Bee To Keep Her Busy During Vacation." Rocky Mountain News, December 20, 1922. (United States)
--- article in Denver, Colorado newspaper
anonymous. "Ruth St. Denis and Denishawn Dancers To Vary Entertainment for Holidays." Rocky Mountain News, December 24, 1922. (United States)
--- article in Denver, Colorado newspaper

anonymous. "Ruth St. Denis To Give Special Talk Via Radio." Rocky Mountain News, December 24, 1922. (United States)
--- article in Denver, Colorado newspaper

anonymous. "Denishawn Dancers Win Many Encores." Rocky Mountain News, December 28, 1922. (United States)
--- article in Denver, Colorado newspaper

Friday, February 27, 2009

Louise Brooks as Film Noir

Speaking of femme fatales . . . lately, I've noticed more and more web pages connecting Louise Brooks and film noir. What gives? Is Brooks a film noir actress? And why is she increasingly being associated with the genre?

According to Wikipedia, "Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize moral ambiguity and sexual motivation. Hollywood's classic film noir period is generally regarded as stretching from the early 1940s to the late 1950s. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-key black-and-white visual style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography, while many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Depression." 

The Wikipedia entry goes on to examine film noir's prehistory, especially it's origins in 1920's German film. Brooks, of course, made her two greatest films in Germany at the end of the silent film era. Each of those films, Pandora's Box and Diary of a Lost Girl, were released in 1929. For me, that historical stylistic connection doesn't really define Brooks as a film noir actress. 

Nevertheless, just today, I came across a stylishly done youtube video - an elegant homage by "Rob in L.A." to some of the iconic femmes-noir. Included are two clips featuring Brooks (the only actress included twice); it also includes a clip of Clara Bow, the only other silent film star. (Early stars Anna May Wong and Marlene Dietrich are also included, but in clips from talkies.) The video is set to a haunting rendition of "Angel Eyes" by Bruce Springsteen.

A couple years back, film noir author and expert Eddie Muller told me about a film noir film he was working on featuring a Louise Brooks inspired character. I wonder what happened to it?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Whatever happened to the femme fatale?

The Independent ran an article in today's newspaper about next month's film series at the BFI celebrating vamps and femme fatales. The article by Sheila Johnston, "Whatever happened to the femme fatale?" mentions Louise Brooks, whose 1929 classic Pandora's Box will be included in the series. Johnston's article begins
They came prowling out of the shadows, wreathed in smoke, wisecracks and stolen mink; women no better than they should be, with only trouble in mind. They never needed to diet, displayed but a flickering interest in men for money, power and meaningless sex, and were more likely to accessorise with a gun than a Chihuahua.
Next month sees a monster celebration of the femme fatale in all her guises. Screened as part of the Birds Eye View women's film festival, some 30 movies will commemorate the vamp in silent cinema – the glorious likes of Louise Brooks and Theda Bara – and in later films up to today. A parallel event, at the BFI Mediatheque at QUAD, in Derby, highlights wicked ladies in British film and television in archive material that will be available to view indefinitely.
Be sure an click on the image of Rita Hayworth for additional images of femme fatales, including Brooks (and a rather revealing Theda Bara).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Philip Jose Farmer Has Died

Science fiction pioneer Philip Jose Farmer "passed away peacefully in his sleep," his website noted this morning. The 91-year-old author was best-known for his Riverworld series, a surreal collection of books about a world where historical figures mingle on a watery planet. Wikipedia counts six Hugo Award nominations for the author during his long and illustrious career.

One of his Riverworld books, Gods of Riverworld (Putnam, 1983), featured a distinctly Louise Brooks-looking character on the front of the book. And I seem to recall an interview or review which mentioned the author's fondness for the actress.

Here is the publisher supplied description of the book: Thirty-five billion people from throughout Earth's history were resurrected along the great and winding waterways of Riverworld. Most began life anew--accepting without question the sustenance provided by their mysterious benefactors. But a rebellious handful burned to confront the unseen masters who controlled their fate--and these few launched an invasion that would ultimately yield the mind-boggling truth. Now Riverworld's omnipotent leaders have been confronted, and the renegades of Riverworld--led by the intrepid Sir Richard Francis Burton--control the fantastic mechanism that once ruled them. But the most awesome challenge lies ahead. For in the vast corridors and secret rooms of the tower stronghold, an unknown enemy watches and waits to usurp the usurpers . . . 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

O sono silente

It seems as though Louise Brooks is more popular in Europe than in the United States. Here is an article from a few days ago (from Galicia, in Spain) mentioning the actress . “ 'O sono silente', espectáculo inspirado no cine mudo, no Teatro Colón" appears on the Xornal website.

“O sono silente”, espectáculo inspirado no cine mudo, no Teatro Colón
Inspirase na actriz Louise Brooks e nas súas principais películas.

Miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009

XORNAL.COM I A Coruña.- Mañá, xoves 19 de febreiro, ás 20.30 horas, o Teatro Colón Caixa Galicia acollerá a representación de ‘Sono Silente’, un espectáculo inspirado no cine mudo dos anos 20 e 30 que toma como referente a imaxe potente da actriz Louise Brooks e dous dos seu filmes máis coñecidos “The Canary Murder Case” e “Pandora’s Box”.

A ausencia da palabra, a forza da imaxe, o valor da mirada e a linguaxe corporal e xestual coinciden, en gran medida, coa visión plástica e poética das obras de BStudio. Unha análise da imaxe estereotipada da muller no discurso cinematográfico da época, para describir e clasificar os roles que se lle asignaban aos papeis femininos.

Este proceso ten como obxecto cuestionar o sentido da muller, tanto como figura dentro da pantalla, como creadora fóra dela.

BStudio é unha compañía de danza contemporánea (danza-teatro) que ten como obxectivo desenvolver unha linguaxe persoal de “corpos reflexivos” que sirva para expresar emocións e sentimentos. Representa coreografías sociais, conta historias próximas ao público que esperten a súa curiosidade e reflexión dentro dunha plástica que penetre polos sentidos. A dramatización, a escenografía, o vestiario e a música amalgámanse coa danza para ir máis alá dun mero espectáculo de danza.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Screen Seductresses tickets to be won!

The FutureMovies website in Britian is giving away tickets to a upcoming screening of Pandora's Box (1929) at the BFI, in London. 

Women have always been a commanding presence on the cinema screen and BFI Southbank, in association with the Birds Eye View Film Festival, are presenting a season of films dedicated to these vamps, vixens and femmes fatales. The season features an extended run of Joseph H. Lewis’s electrifying love-on-the-run cult classic Gun Crazy, in which Bart (John Dall) loves guns without wanting to kill, but Laurie (Peggy Cummins) yearns for violent excitement… Other highlights include Barbara Stanwyck’s glacial turn in Double Indemnity, Rita Hayworth’s infamous Gilda and ‘the miracle of Louise Brooks’ in Pandora’s Box. This is just a selection of the great films on offer; for more information

To find out more about the ticket give away, visit this webpage. And good luck!
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