Longtime Louise Brooks Society supporter Camille Scaysbrook alerted me to this November 9th screening of Pandorina skrinjica (Pandora's Box) at the Slovenska Kinoteca in Delavska Zbornica, Slovenia. Thank you Camille!
Scaysbrook, a member of the LBS since before 2000, posted on Bluesky that her parents were recently in Slovenia and came across a program for the Slovenska Kinoteka which featured Louise Brooks on the cover!
The film institute screened Pandora's Box as part of a series devoted to "Scandalous Classics of German Silent Film." Camille also sent snapshots of two of the interior pages highlighting the event. I will soon add the cover shot to the Louise Brooks Society archive age which features a bunch of contemporary film program covers (dating back to 1961). That page can be found HERE.
More about the Slovenska Kinoteka screening can be found HERE. And more about the film can be found HERE. IF THERE ARE ANY SLOVENIA FANS WHO ATTENDED THIS SCREENING, I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU. These first of these non-English / Slovenian pages state:
Lepa in muhasta Lulu (Louise Brooks), brezskrbna in nedolžno perverzna, je bitje, ki živi le za ljubezen. Nastopa v revijalni predstavi, ki jo sponzorira njen ljubimec Ludwig Schön (Fritz Kortner), mogočen časopisni in varietejski magnat, ki je zaročen s hčerjo ministra za notranje zadeve. Na večer premiere Lulu prisili Schöna, da zaroko razdre in se poroči z njo.
Pandorina skrinjica je osnovana na dveh dramah nemškega dramatika Franka Wedekinda: Duh zemlje (1895) in Pandorina skrinjica (1902), ki so ju imeli v takratnem času za nemoralni in sta povzročili škandal. Tako je komajda presenetljivo, da so Pabstov film, ko je prišel v kinematografe, prepovedali skoraj v vseh evropskih državah, razen v Franciji, kjer pa so cenzorji zapovedali precejšnje reze, ki so privedli do omiljene različice filma.
In English translation via Google translate, it reads:
Beautiful and whimsical, Lulu (Louise Brooks), carefree and innocently perverse, is a creature who lives only for love. She appears in a revue sponsored by her lover Ludwig Schön (Fritz Kortner), a powerful newspaper and variety magnate who is engaged to the daughter of the Minister of the Interior. On the night of the premiere, Lulu forces Schön to break off the engagement and marry her.
Pandora's Box is based on two plays by German playwright Frank Wedekind: The Spirit of the Earth (1895) and Pandora's Box (1902), which were considered immoral at the time and caused a scandal. It is therefore hardly surprising that when Pabst's film was released in cinemas, it was banned in almost all European countries, except in France, where censors ordered significant cuts, resulting in a watered-down version of the film.
The second of these non-English pages state:
Film Pandorina skrinjica (Die Büchse der Pandora), ki ga je leta 1929 režiral avstrijski filmski ustvarjalec Georg Wilhelm Pabst, velja za enega od vrhuncev nemškega nemega ekspresionizma in za enega najbolj kontroverznih ter odmevnih filmov svojega časa. Osnovan je na dveh dramah Franka Wedekinda, Duhu zemlje (1895) in Pandorini skrinjici (1902), ki sta bili v času nastanka označeni za nemoralni in škandalozni, in prinaša kompleksno zgodbo o vzponu in padcu usodne ženske, katere fatalna privlačnost prinese propad tako njej kot ljudem v njeni bližini.
Glavno junakinjo Lulu upodablja karizmatična Louise Brooks, z nenavadno kombinacijo otroške nedolžnosti in seksapila obdarjena igralka, ki je revolucionirala filmsko igro s svojo naravno prezenco in izraznim minimalizmom, tako drugačnim od teatralne igre, značilne za takratne neme filme. Zgodba sledi Lulujinemu vplivu na moške in ženske okoli sebe ter prikazuje, kako jo njena frivolnost in spolna neinhibiranost zlagoma vlečeta v tragedijo. Lulu je svobodomiselna, neukrotljiva in izzivalna, to pa so lastnosti, ki jih družba tistega časa ni bila pripravljena sprejeti. Pabst skozi njeno zgodbo raziskuje teme spolne osvoboditve, moči ženske seksualnosti in destruktivne sile, ki jo ta lahko povzroči, ko se sreča z represivnimi družbenimi normami. Pripoved se začne z Lulujinimi ljubezenskimi zapleti in se postopoma poglablja v vse bolj temačne in uničujoče situacije, vse do tragičnega konca, ko postane žrtev Jacka Razparača.
Pabst je v sodelovanju s snemalcem Fritzom Arnom Wagnerjem ustvaril osupljivo vizualno podobo, polno bogatih kontrastov, temačnih senc in prefinjenih podrobnosti, ki poudarjajo psihološko globino likov in ustvarjajo mračno, skoraj nihilistično atmosfero. Poleg ekspresionističnih prijemov pa je film znan tudi po naturalističnih elementih, ki poskrbijo za realistično upodobitev človekovih strasti in propada.
Ob izidu je bil film zaradi svoje seksualne eksplicitnosti in moralne oporečnosti deležen večinoma negativnih kritik. Kjer so ga predvajali, je bil močno cenzuriran, marsikje pa je bil v celoti prepovedan. A sčasoma je postal predmet številnih filmskih analiz in navdih za prihodnje filmske ustvarjalce. Njegov vpliv lahko zaznamo v kasnejših filmskih delih, ki raziskujejo teme usodnih žensk, seksualne politike in temnih plati človeške narave.
I am not sure about the reference to cinematographer Fritz Arn Wagner. The creditted cameraman is usually given as Gunther Krampf. In English translation the above text reads:
Pandora's Box (Die Büchse der Pandora), directed by Austrian filmmaker Georg Wilhelm Pabst in 1929, is considered one of the pinnacles of German silent expressionism and one of the most controversial and high-profile films of its time. Based on two plays by Frank Wedekind, The Spirit of the Earth (1895) and Pandora's Box (1902), which were considered immoral and scandalous at the time of their creation, it tells the complex story of the rise and fall of a femme fatale whose fatal attraction brings ruin to both her and those around her.The main character, Lulu, is portrayed by the charismatic Louise Brooks, an actress gifted with an unusual combination of childlike innocence and sex appeal, who revolutionized film acting with her natural presence and expressive minimalism, so different from the theatrical acting typical of silent films of the time. The story follows Lulu's influence on the men and women around her, and shows how her frivolity and sexual uninhibition gradually lead her into tragedy. Lulu is free-spirited, untamed, and provocative, traits that society at the time was unwilling to accept. Through her story, Pabst explores themes of sexual liberation, the power of female sexuality, and the destructive force it can create when it encounters repressive social norms. The story begins with Lulu's love affairs and gradually delves into increasingly dark and destructive situations, until the tragic end when she falls victim to Jack the Ripper.Pabst, in collaboration with cinematographer Fritz Arn Wagner, created a stunning visual image, full of rich contrasts, dark shadows, and sophisticated details that emphasize the psychological depth of the characters and create a gloomy, almost nihilistic atmosphere. In addition to its expressionistic approaches, the film is also known for its naturalistic elements, which provide a realistic depiction of human passions and downfall.Upon its release, the film received mostly negative reviews due to its sexual explicitness and moral objections. Where it was shown, it was heavily censored, and in many places it was banned altogether. However, it has become the subject of numerous film analyses and an inspiration for future filmmakers. Its influence can be seen in later films that explore themes of femme fatale, sexual politics, and the dark side of human nature.
More about Louise Brooks can be found on the newly revamped Louise Brooks Society website at www.pandorasbox.com
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