Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Pandora's Box, starring Louise Brooks, rereleased in the UK

Now out in the UK is the Eureka / Masters of Cinema edition of Pandora's Box. This re-release of the 1929 German classic starring Louise Brooks comes as a region B Blu-ray with a run-time of 133 minutes. More information about this re-release can be found HERE.

Its cover art and special features appear to be the same as its earlier, 2023 release. They are:

  • 1080p HD presentation on Blu-ray from a definitive 2K digital restoration
  • Optional English subtitles
  • Orchestral Score by Peer Raben
  • Audio commentary by critic Pamela Hutchinson
  • The New Woman & The Jazz Age: The Dangerous Feminine in Pandora’s Box – Visual appreciation by author and critic Kat Ellinger
  • Godless Beasts – Video essay by David Cairns
  • Lulu in Wonderland – Video essay by Fiona Watson
  • Restoring Pandora’s Box – Interview with Martin Koerber
  • A collector’s booklet featuring an essay by film critic and historian Imogen Sara Smith, author of Lonely Places: Film Noir Beyond the City

When I reviewed the Eureka disc for PopMatters, I pointed out that "This release is notable on a couple of accounts. It marks the film’s first-ever release on Blu-ray in England, and it marks the first-ever release anywhere of the Hugh Hefner-funded Martin Koerber-Deutsche Kinemathek restoration completed in 2009. In all likelihood, this 133-minute, 2K digital restoration is the best version of the film we may see in our lifetime." 

[Recently, I was in touch with Martin Koerber regarding this release. He asked for a copy of my article, and praised my effort.]

I emailed Eureka some time ago asking if there were any significant differences between the 2023 and 2024 releases, but didn't hear back. I also asked them if they would be revising or correcting any of the errors found on the earlier release. As a silent film buff, as Louise Brooks fan, and as an admirer of G.W. Pabst's film, I am very glad that Eureka released the film on Blu-ray; however, I am just as disappointed in some of the bonus material. As readers of this blog may recall, back in January I wrote a piece pointing out the handful of factual errors and the inclusion of images that are 1) not from Pandora's Box, and 2) not even Louise Brooks!

Regarding Eureka's use of images from Diary of a Lost Girl in a booklet about Pandora's Box; I should mention that Eureka is not alone in this blunder. Criterion beat them too it years ago in the booklet which accompanied their 2006 release of the film. See page 48 of "Reflections on Pandora's Box", the booklet which accompanies the Criterion box set.

With all this said, I am still glad Pandora's Box is being re-released.... I am glad for any interest in Louise Brooks. For more about the film see the newly revamped Pandora's Box filmography page on the new revamped Louise Brooks Society website.

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  (www.pandorasbox.com). Original contents copyright © 2024. Further unauthorized use prohibited. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Nifty new illustrations of Louise Brooks

Corrine Adams is a gifted artist / illustrator and fan of Louise Brooks. Recently, she sent me some charming print-outs of her recent illustrations of Brooks, which she said have an "art-deco" look. In the note which accompanied the illustrations, Adams mentioned that she enjoyed "making up my own movie posters." I like them. I think they are pretty nifty.

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  (www.pandorasbox.com). Original contents copyright © 2024. Further unauthorized use prohibited. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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