Monday, March 4, 2024

Be sure and get a Louise Brooks calendar from Flicker Alley

Even though we are a few days into March, it's not too late to get a copy of the 2024 Flicker Alley calendar. This adorable 6 inch by 6 inch square calendar is available for free with the purchase of a non-mod DVD or Blu-ray. And what's more, the front and back covers feature the one and only Louise Brooks.

To get my copy, I ordered the 2023 Flicker Alley release of restoration of the Erich von Stroheim film Foolish Wives. I have long loved this director's films, and am proud to have once put on an event with the great von Stroheim biographer Arthur Lenning. Louise Brooks also had an interest in his films, and, she even once met the famed director at a Hollywood party. Later on, Brooks carried on a long time  correspondence with another noted von Stroheim biographer, Herman G. Weinberg.

Foolish Wives, and von Stroheim's The Merry Widow, are two of my favorite silent films. I have seen each a handful of times, either at home or on the BIG screen. Greed is also great -- but who would claim it as a favorite? Be sure and check out the Flicker Alley page on this deluxe release of this silent era masterpiece. Wow, what a package!

Well, anyways, here is the back cover of the calendar, which features another image (both were supplied by yours truly) of Louise Brooks from the 1926 film, The American Venus

I know it is a journalistic principal to not bury the lead, but rewards come to those who read through to the end. The inside back cover of the 2024 calendar depicts a bunch of the recent and not-so recent Flicker Alley releases. It also states, "Lots of exciting new releases are in store from Flicker Alley in 2024! Be on the lookout for a follow-up collection of shorts from a beloved comedy duo, amazing and still-timely works from an African American film pioneer and pioneer of anti-fascist documentary, rare noir titles both international and domestic, and much more! (Including a big clue on this calendar's cover page.)"

Along with KINO and Milestone, Flicker Alley is one of the leading companies releasing silent and classic cinema. If you aren't already, be sure and get on their mailing list. You won't want to miss out.

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  ( Original contents copyright © 2024. Further unauthorized use prohibited. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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