Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Report from Saturday's showing of Pandora's Box at the Paramount Theater

A number of pictures from Saturday's screening of Pandora's Box at the Paramount theater have been added to my article, "Lulu By the Bay", on Eat Drink Films. Included among them is this stunning snapshot by Gary Meyer of the facade of the Paramount. 

My piece on Eat Drink Films is a micro-look at the exhibition history of the film in the San Francisco Bay Area. That article compliments another new piece of mine on Film International titled, “'Sin Lust Evil' in America: Louise Brooks and the Exhibition History of Pandora’s Box (1929)", a macro-look at the exhibition history of Pandora's Box in the United States. 

A number of other snapshots (both exterior and interior) of the gorgeous Paramount theater have shown  up on Facebook, including this one below from Sacramento film goer Michael D. Jackson, who allowed me to share this pic which he took at the Paramount. In these trying times, this put a smile on my face - my name on the big screen! (My Paramount theater debut!) Thank you Michael. 

And thank you to the San Francisco Silent Film Festival on behalf of Louise Brooks fans everywhere for screening this film and keeping Louise Brooks' name out there. This screening got some major press in the Bay Area, including this article in the San Francisco Chronicle. Louise Brooks is certainly a Bay Area favorite.

also shot this 'swonderful video of the Paramount theater. Regrettably, this is what I missed dealing with other matters (you know what). I have also learned that a program booklet was published, copies of which are being sent to me. I am looking forward to receiving them.

THE LEGAL STUFF: The Louise Brooks Society™ blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society  ( Original contents copyright © 2023. Further unauthorized use prohibited.


Karen said...

What a beautiful theater! A fitting place for this film, I'd wager.

Louise Brooks Society said...

Yes indeed Karen. If this blog disappears - like my website, it will be because the person trolling me is responsible.

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