Friday, October 21, 2022

Diary of a Lost Girl starring Louise Brooks screens Sunday in Washington DC

The sensational 1929 Louise Brooks film, Diary of a Lost Girl, will be shown this Sunday, October 23, at the Atlas Performing Center in Washington D.C. More information about this event, which will feature live musical accompaniment by pianist Andrew Earle Simpson, can be found HERE

As well, this and other silent film screenings the Atlas Performing Center featuring Simpson will include a pre-show intro and a post-show discussion with Andrew Earle Simpson.

As the webpage for the event puts it, quoting your's truly, who then quotes Kevin Brownlow, "The second and final collaboration of actress Louise Brooks and director G.W. Pabst (Pandora’s Box), Diary of a Lost Girl is a provocative adaptation of Margarethe Böhme’s notorious novel, in which the naive daughter of a middle-class pharmacist is seduced by her father’s assistant, only to be disowned and sent to a repressive home for wayward girls. She escapes, searches for her child, and ends up in a high-class brothel, only to turn the tables on the society which had abused her. It’s another tour-de-force performance by Brooks, whom silent film historian Kevin Brownlow calls an “actress of brilliance, a luminescent personality and a beauty unparalleled in screen history.” – Thomas Gladysz

This event also received a short write-up in the Washington City Paper, in which Pat Padua insightfully commented, "Her second film with German director G. W. Pabst, the 1929 silent drama Diary of Lost Girl features one of her most vivid performances—those 1920s eyes seeming to cast knowing looks at the following century.... While her character endures all manner of tragedy... Brooks remains a model of strength and compassion in a world where, as one character tells her, 'all are lost'."

Tickets to this afternoon screening are $25.00, and are available through the above mentioned link. The Atlas Performing Arts Center is located at 1333 H St NE Washington, DC 20002.

Incidentally, the event description which quotes me comes from the liner notes to the must-have Kino Lorber DVD, for which I provided the audio commentary. My commnentary was in turn based on my 2010 Louise Brooks edition of Margarete Bohme's book, The Diary of a Lost Girl, which I edited and wrote the introduction to. Bohme's book is something of a forgotten classic of German literature, highly controversial, and one of the bestselling books of its time. Every Louise Brooks fan will want to own the DVD and read the book. 

Both the Kino Classics DVD / Blu-ray and my book are available through around the world. 

Diary of a Lost Girl DVD / Blu-ray BUY HERE

The Diary of a Lost Girl book (Louise Brooks edition) BUY HERE

This blog is authored by Thomas Gladysz, Director of the Louise Brooks Society ( Original contents copyright © 2022. Further use prohibited.

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