Sunday, August 29, 2021

Another newly uncovered interview you will want to read

Speaking of newly uncovered interviews . . . . The last post featured a newly uncovered 1931 interview with Louise Brooks which which appeared in the Wichita Eagle in May of that year. The article pictured Brooks and her sister June, and also spoke briefly about June's aspirations regarding an acting career and Hollywood. An acting career didn't seem to be in the cards, so June started college at the University of Wichita (now Wichita State University).

During that same research binge, I also uncovered another little known interview. This piece was with June Brooks, and it appeared in an October 1931 issue of The Sunflower, a school publication. And as with the earlier piece, new information about the Brooks' sisters comes to light. The article states that June was a house guest for ten days at William Randolph Hurst's (sic) ranch (presumably the Hearst Castle) over the 1930 Christmas holidays. I presume that Louise was there as well. While a guest, June encountered not only Marion Davies but also Adolphe Menjou, Lawrence Grey, "Skeets" Gallagher and Jean Arthur - all of the latter either past or future film co-stars.  

The most amusing paragraph was this: "'Are movie people interesting? Not particularly.' answers June. 'They talk shop too much. Good looking? Well, they're better looking on the screen'."

One other intriguing bit were the paragraphs at the end where June says she almost appeared in a motion picture, once in a supporting role in a film with Gloria Swanson! Who knew?

Stay tuned or subscribe to this blog for more remarkable clippings in the coming weeks.

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