Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Louise Brooks Society is on Twitter, follow us now!

 The Louise Brooks Society is on Twitter @LB_Society.

 As of today, the LBS is followed by nearly 5000 individuals. Are you one of them?
Why not join the conversation? Be sure and visit the official LBS Twitter profile, and check out the more
than 5,800 LBS tweets posted since January of 2009! (That's when the LBS joined Twitter.) For those who like to follow the flow, the LBS twitter stream can also be found in the right hand column of this blog.
 Who follows the LBS on Twitter? Along with many Louise Brooks fans, there are film historians, cine clubs and film festivals, art deco collectors, Jazz Age aficionados, classic film buffs as well as online profiles representing Greta Garbo, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin, Clara Bow, Rudolph Valentino and other stars of the silent and early sound era. As well as contemporary actors and actresses who love Louise Brooks.
Are you among the LBS twitter followers? If not, sign up today and don't miss a tweet! Visit @LB_Society today!
And for those interested, be sure and check out the Twitter account of Thomas Gladysz, founding director of the Louise Brooks Society, at @thomas_gladysz 

1 comment:

Louise Brooks Society said...

Thanks to the few dozen individuals who now newly follow the LBS on twitter.

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