Monday, August 3, 2020

Around the World with Louise Brooks, even MORE trimmings from the cutting room floor

A continuation of the previous two posts.... Here are a couple more odds 'n ends which I can't make use of or don't have room for in Around the World with Louise Brooks.The first piece is a five page Spanish language article on Hollywood. This article comes from a July 1930 article in a rare Chilean film magazine, Revista Cinematografica y Teatral, published by Empressa Zig-Zag. Truly. I believe the author is Sr. Carlos F. Borcosque. This piece seems like an original look at early Hollywood, with many stars mentioned and one pictured, namely Buster Keaton. This piece seems just like the kind of piece author and Hollywood historian Mary Mallory might like.

And secondly and lastly, here is an Austrian Hollywood photographic montage by Rudolph Myzet which does in fact depict Louise Brooks (she is hard to spot) - as well as a few a few of her Paramount co-stars and contemporaries, like W.C. Fields and Wallace Beery and Neil Hamilton and Evelyn Brent and Clara Bow. (I spent more than a few minutes zooming in and trying to recognize Brooks' face, but just couldn't find it until it was pointed out to me.) Charlie Chaplin watch out - a shooting star is about to bonk you in the head!

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