Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Louise Brooks related text: Need help translating from Russian

In my search to document all things related to the actress and her legacy, I have come across all kinds of interesting material in languages which I don't read. That material includes articles,  advertisements, and other miscellaneous clippings from non-English language newspapers published in the United States. In fact, there were many such "ethnic" newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s, including those published in Spanish, Portuguese, German, Yiddish, and Russian. I have found Louise Brooks-related material in each language.

Can any good soul translate or summarize the first two clippings from a Russian-language newspaper? Each related to the debut of Pandora's Box in the United States in December of 1929.


Unknown said...

The German film "Pandora's Box" is showing for a second week at the 55th Street (154 West 55th St.) Playhouse. The movie is based on Franz Wedekind's novel of the same name. American censors have cut out its most objectionable parts, with the result that some of the scenes, such as the one showing an actress' same-sex love for the dancer Lulu (played by Louisa Brooks), are rendered incomprehensible. Fritz Kortner plays the movie's male lead. Showing for a third week is the travelogue "Out and About in New York".

1) The original Russian has "Franz", not "Frank".
2) The original Russian has "novel", not "play".
3) The original Russian has "actress", not "countess".
4) The original Russian has "Louisa", not "Louise".
5) I could not locate the travelogue or its exact title. The word "po" in Russian can mean "through, across, about, around"; and it is not specified whether "New York" refers to the city or the state.

Well-known German actor Fritz Kortner, lead actor in the movie "Pandora's Box".

The famous German film "Pandora's Box" lands at the 55th Street (154 West 55th St.) Playhouse this week. It is based on Frank Wedekind's play of the same name. Helmed by popular director Pabst. Famous American actress Louisa Brooks plays Lulu. Also appearing in the movie are Fritz Kotner and Franz Lederer.

1) The original Russian has "Louisa", not "Louise".
2) "Kortner" is misspelt as "Kotner" in the original Russian.

Louise Brooks Society said...

Wow. Great job. Thank you so very much!

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