Monday, September 3, 2018

The Chaperone debuts at Los Angeles Film Festival on September 23

The Chaperone is set to premiere at the Los Angeles Film Festival on September 23. More information about this special event -- including ticket availability -- can be found HERE.

Haley Lu Richardson, who plays Louise Brooks in The Chaperone, was recently quoted in Indiewire about the 103 minute film.
“I’d never played a real character, and she’s pretty iconic,” Richardson said. “And I don’t look anything like her! But what we did have in common is her moving from a small town to New York when she’s 15, 16 years old to pursue dancing. A chaperone, who’s Elizabeth McGovern, comes with her and it’s the story about how they affect one another. That resonated with me, because I moved to LA from Arizona when I was 16 to dance and act and my mom came with me and [we have] this bond and we learned from each other.”
About The Film
Against the backdrop of the tumultuous times of the early 1920’s, a genteel Kansan named Norma decides to break out of her comfort zone and visit the city of her birth. She offers her services as a chaperone to a beautiful and talented 15-year-old dancer named Louise Brooks, and the two head to New York City for the summer. One of them is eager to fulfill her destiny of dance and movie stardom; the other is on a mission to unearth the mysteries of her past.

Based on Laura Moriarty’s best-selling American novel, The Chaperone reunites the writer, director and star of Downtown Abbey. Scripted by Julian Fellowes with an eye toward personal details, and enhanced by Michael Engler’s direction, offering up moments effortlessly shifting between introspection and wonder. Elizabeth McGovern brings charm and a welcome spark to a fish out of water, while Haley Lu Richardson radiates as the effervescent Louise Brooks.

- Drea Clark, Senior Programmer

  • Michael Engler
  • Elizabeth McGovern
  • Victoria Hill
  • Rose Ganguzza
  • Kelly Carmichael
  • Greg Clark
  • Luca Scalisi
  • Andrew Mann
  • Elizabeth McGovern
  • Haley Lu Richardson
  • Campbell Scott
  • Victoria Hill
  • Miranda Otto
  • Blythe Danner
  • Julian Fellowes

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